
Hello, friendos! I'm back! Long time no see, eh? Hehe, um...forgive me for that. 2016 really changed me...I went through a lot of stuff, overcome a lot of stuff, but I'm also still struggling with some things. During 2016 I kinda neglected wattpad, and I feel bad about that. I know there's a lot of you who are waiting for me to update my stories, and I AM SO SORRY for making you wait so long! 
          	I'm back, my writing has improved, I have some new interests, and I am ready to mingle with all of you lovely people! 
          	I love you guys, seriously.


@ MisfitMachina  im glad your back plsss countinue she love him he love her plssss


Hello, friendos! I'm back! Long time no see, eh? Hehe, um...forgive me for that. 2016 really changed me...I went through a lot of stuff, overcome a lot of stuff, but I'm also still struggling with some things. During 2016 I kinda neglected wattpad, and I feel bad about that. I know there's a lot of you who are waiting for me to update my stories, and I AM SO SORRY for making you wait so long! 
          I'm back, my writing has improved, I have some new interests, and I am ready to mingle with all of you lovely people! 
          I love you guys, seriously.


@ MisfitMachina  im glad your back plsss countinue she love him he love her plssss


Long time no see, eh?
          Well, believe it or not, I'm back. For real this time.
          So, first thing's first, a few of my stories are going to be discontinued. I was dumb to start so many different stories at once...maybe I'll put them on hiatus instead? I just don't know if I'll ever get back to writing them.
          At the moment, I'm in the mood to write for a few different fandoms:
          Assassin's Creed
          Until Dawn
          Star Wars (Probably just the Clone Wars)
          Any story that is not a part of those fandoms probably wont be updated for a little while longer. Again, allow me to apologize for that!
          Now that that's out of the way...
          Would anyone like to offer some ideas for a story/oneshot? Or would anyone just like to talk? Perhaps roleplay?
          Have a good morning/afternoon/night!
          Feel free to message me~


Hai! You most likely don't wanna do this again... But I'm requesting a Kain Highwind x reader... :P he's my top favorite character, so, let moi know if you wanna or nawt!! :3


@Blue_Berry_Alexis woah calm down! Its okay! Just get it done when you can. Dont rush.


@Blue_Berry_Alexis Oh jaysus, I'm sorry i'm replying to this so late! Okay, so I haven't written final fantasy stuff in a while, but...I NEVER TURN DOWN A FF REQUEST! It shall get done, I promise, there's just no guarantee if it'll be this week or next week or...you get it haha. Any ideas, or??


Bruh, I just finished your Courtney x Josh story...... it was so awesome. Thank you for your story!!!!


@Mikasa300 i'm glad you liked it!!!


@Mikasa300 you're welcome!! Sorry for the late reply! :o


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Sorry about the disappearance, there's just been a lot of shit happening recently and I haven't had the time to write. And now, my phone is running out of space, so I'm gonna delete wattpad. It'll only be for a while, about a month, when I'll be moved into my new place and have internet so I can use my laptop to access Wattpad.
          I'm so sorry for any of you who've requested stuff, you're going to have to wait a little longer :(
          I just thought everyone should know.
          I hope you all have a good day/night! :)
          Expect me back during the first week of May, okay?! 


@XxxTheMachinaMintxxX  yay, I really hope you update the Jake Muller love story:)


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I feel sick as fuck and I just want to go home :( Can I cry on someone's shoulder?


@1102CL44 Zombie Apocalypse?! Please!! :o


Hey everyone, I'm here to update you all!
          Sorry 'bout the lack of story updates recently. First, I was sick. And then I got overwhelmed by school. And now, I don't even know. I'd blame writer's block, but I don't think that's what it is. I have tons and tons of amazing ideas, but every time I go to write something I get about a paragraph in and give up. It's like I lose my confidence and interest all of a sudden. It's frustrating me so much!
          At the moment, my interests are:
          Game of Thrones
          Star Wars: The Clone Wars
          Resident Evil