
Hello so I deleted most of my books why well new start. Becase I didn't like keeping them and since they were pretty old and never were going to be finished or whatever or worked on I decided to delete them except for the last ones those ones I just kept so what douse this mean well it means I'm starting fresh and I'm creating a new story it will be about a creepypasta sonic.exe for many reasons why I chose this is because I was really inspired to create a story that was about a creepypasta and the things that Inspired me were spirits of hell spirits of hell round 2 and many more sonic.exe games that i forgot about their names. So hopefully this account will be active again hopefully 


Hello so I deleted most of my books why well new start. Becase I didn't like keeping them and since they were pretty old and never were going to be finished or whatever or worked on I decided to delete them except for the last ones those ones I just kept so what douse this mean well it means I'm starting fresh and I'm creating a new story it will be about a creepypasta sonic.exe for many reasons why I chose this is because I was really inspired to create a story that was about a creepypasta and the things that Inspired me were spirits of hell spirits of hell round 2 and many more sonic.exe games that i forgot about their names. So hopefully this account will be active again hopefully 


What happend to Spicebird76


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@Mishahamster yeah thats ok if you feel that way but if i was spicebird76 and i had left the sonic fanbase i would have deleted the story the same day i left thats what me mad he knew people would be let down and knew it was still up ill never get the 5 and a half hours of my life back it took that long to read it as i said i finshed it for him in my own fanfic continuing it i like what i did but i still know that i will never ever get to the fucking story properly finished i will prob never forgive spicebird76 the least he could have done is linked hes A03 or put in the story's title canceled or something like that i will leave you now


@Ryderboycolor9 well I do get pissed but I dont get pissed at the person like its annoying ye but I dont think the same way you do and I understand that it douse make you pissed but for me it just kinda well it douse disappoint me but I don't get mad at it but I can understand why your saying it.


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@Mishahamster oh well not towards you at all and since spicebird76 is never gonna read this if he did i would be shocked but fuck him im sorry i do not give a  he let down a lottttttt of people and he did not even link hes A03 i hate that and im sad about it and  im still mad at him and may never forgive him heres rule one if your not planning or finishing a fan fic do not even bother writing it I'm sorry i feel that way but i see so many ongoing sonic fan fics that never got finished like it drives me crazy do you even know where Spicebird76 is now I'm interested in his fan fics on A03 but do not know what's it called sorry just had to let that out i finished sontails time apart actually i continued it on how i thought it would end so yeah thanks for reading :) not trying to be mean here but he could have at least put Cancelled on time apart in the title so i did not have to waste my time reading it so yeah wow almost 1000 words i had a lot to say lol I'm not mad at you I'm mad at him if he had just put canceled in the title i would have been fine with it


Ok so @Eileen_East was one of the people that I couldn't contacted anymore but even so if you do se this I want to know why you muted because it turns out it was not wattpad this time you see all of the blocking was actually made by her. Now I dont know I did wrong I can even take a screenshot because I still have te massages. Now I dont remember breaking any of the rules witch was one second I wasn't being mean or anything like that however when I was blocked by her for no reason or started to create accounts to get in contact with her to at least ask why I was muted off she block that account instead of just saying because if she did say I wouldn't need to create multiple accounts but se made me witch was wrong but how was I going to ask. Now I know she has a brother that deleted the rp massages but he couldn't just mute me ofc he possibly could. And if I was annoying you east I very sorry and i am also apologising for the trouble I did like it wasn't much it was tho something that could annoy a person so I'm sorry for that. All what I wanted to do is to get in to contact thats all I dont what I did wrong and well that's why I started creating accounts ye it was wrong but if you gave me a reason I would of stopped but you didn't ans I didn't until you gave this announcement so I'm sorry if gave trouble but at least if you see this can give me a reason why you muted my main account witch is this one please tell me or just don't like I'll stop but I will still be wondering anyway sorry for the trouble 


All what I know is I tried talking to her with alot of accounts and well I didn't know what was the reason on why she did it so I thought it was wattpad and it wasn't it was just her so basically I can't speak to her anymore I'm not even going to rist it anyway since I just get blocked probably seconds later 


@Ryderboycolor9 it's sad but I just have to deal with it even tho I don't know what I did


Ok I'm am pissed this crap still happens. The wattpad support is not helpful it's not good and they copy paste still the same frickin thing saying this You may have been muted by someone if you are unable to view someone's profile, send an inbox message to them, write on their profile’s message board, or leave any comments on their stories. If you believe you have been muted by someone, we ask that you respect their decision. Unfortunately, we are unable to reverse the action or contact the user about the issue.
          For more information on what type of behaviour is encouraged in the community, please read our code of Conduct 
          This is the same thing they say I even said what the bug was about and they are still being lazy! Th


Ok but @Eileen_East
            I'm actually talking about the person I can't talk to is actually you since wattpad is just not allowing me for some reason trust I just cant type to you
            Because its says account not found or things like that even though you didn't mute me and your account was not even closed 


This is just so uncool and disgusting that instead of helping they say this like no they didn't block me nether I did and neither is there account closed look I had enough of this. This is just so unfair and so disrespectful. Ok ladies and gentlemen we need to start rising we need to show them that this is not ok I'm not ok with this type of help I'm done 