Erm... I'm trying to figure out if you are who I think you are... Your pic looked like her but I'm not sure since I never see her wearing formal clothing... At least your background style similar to hers... Name also similar... I don't know if you will read this or not considering you haven't converse since 2016... Just stating here so you can confirm my doubt once you read this... Although chances are you may be her doppelganger or her missing twin or just someone genetically similar, nature does have a habit creating miracles

Lately, the translated novels are getting more popular too. If you're into writing them, do it, and then I can help with the English version >:D You'll be formidable

| B E L I E V E I N Y O U R S E L F |`・ω・)9 | O K | You have to finish it! You must, or I will resent you to my grave, and might still look for you if I reincarnate, just to force you to properly finish your story. All of your stories hung me up, man. The completed ones are too few to satisfy (ಠ╭╮ಠ ) I suggest you make one sentence summary for each chapter for the whole story progress. (one sentence can be really really long xD I'm sure you know how long it can be ( ՞ਊ՞) )and then go back to each chapter and write out the whole thing!!! That way, you feel like you have to complete it out of aesthetics of having all chapters completed. I regret allowing my procrastinating self dominating me, because I have many half-written plots I forgot about when I decide to continue 3 years later (◑○◑) Just write, don't care about the grammar until you complete and then go over it again. (I didn't do this with mine, because I'm too lazy to, and I forgot to look for errors and start criticizing my work instead haha T_T) If you want, I can help with reading and editing (I'm worse than you but I need an excuse to be the first to read the story before it gets published and brag about it (;^ω^) ... ) What high ranking? The 'Rhymes and Glitched Hearts' one got lucky because there's only 22 stories in that tag ( ಠﭛಠ) 17 out of 22 is not high pffft!! As for consuming and and absorbing the essence of my brain... I suspect it will downgrade your current level of intelligence instead (*´台`*)

@MisokoFukumoto pss... can I eat your brain? Maybe I get better in writing an English story after eating your brain... >-> ^-^