
well I finished Nanowrimo, was too tired and too busy catching up on stuff to mention it earlier. In any case, hopefully I'll be able to go back to posting chapters of Shards!


          Now post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world.
          If you get...
          1 back= you are loved!
          3 back= your popular
          5 back= your one of the most lovable people out there!
          9+= wow... I'm jealous


Can I just say I love the new Nautica? Don't get me wrong Mtmte/Ll Nautica was fantastic, I love her too, she really fit that story.  But the 2019 one is something else? I know we haven't seen a lot of her yet, but it really feels like someone went all out on developing her and she feels really unique. 
          I adore her introduction and really really like the bit when someone calls Starscream clever and she basically calls him a self centered jerk.
          she's already gone through the war at this point. Lets hope she actually lives through what comes next


Hello there! So I’m just about to ask a question that would be embarrassing if the answer was ‘Uh no..,’ but curiosity really does get to me, so... Are you Otter from NaNoWriMo by any chance? XD


@HopeGossamer ah, I was on there for a while, but couldn't keep up. Also there were some people with some...views I wasn't totaly comfortable with so instead of risking arguments I just didn't spend a lot of time on there. But! It's always nice to see familliar faces across the cyberverse! Looking forwards to seeing around ^-^


*clicks fingers* Oh yes, FiveSecondsToFly! I knew I’ve seen that profile pic somewhere XD 
            That Otter must’ve been OtterRMS then...
            Nope, but I’m on the Homeschoolers thread! I believe we’ve spoken on Episode II Attack of the Homeschoolers if I remember correctly :)
            I have the same username on NaNo as here, but at one point I was Hope Night instead of Hope Gossamer (Hope Night was me and my irl friend’s pen name, but now we’re Hope Gossamer and Scarlette Night XD)


@HopeGossamer my name on Nanowrimo is FiveSecondsToFly, but sometimes I go by The Otter as a nickname?
            But I do believe there is someone else named Otter on there so I'm not sure if you mean me.  I have the same profile pic on there. Are you on the Christian Teens Together thread?


Endgame was the masterpiece I thought Infinity War was going to be.


@MisplacedPoetry Oooh that seems fair. Now I want to rewatch them both, see if I can spot that XD
            Fair enough, just thought I'd mention it! You're more than welcome cx


@Ranger_of_the_North I liked Infinity War, it simply pales in comparision to End game in my opinion. The way the story unfolds is much more graceful than the action packed IW and everything just seems less rushed and detailed.
            I'll pass on the discord, thanks for offering though!


@MisplacedPoetry Oh, you didn't like Infinity War? Tell me more XD
            Also!! There's a channel for discussing Endgame on Discord, do you want a link? c: (Wren and I and some of the League and some of the Lazy Writers are there)


You seem like a person full of ideas. Want to see one of your ideas come to life? Enter the Screenwriting Contest 2018! One lucky winner’s script will be turned into a film! Check out the contest book for more information. Hope to see your entry soon!