
I CAME BACK! Sorry for taking ages guys, but I posted today! My new work (A remake of “The women and the Button monster”) Why another remake? I lost the Google doc (In other worlds, I could not read my own writing.) So with new lore and new start, I hope things go right. If you guys want me to updates on another books, I will when I have time. For now, I'll continue to write on this new book, "The New Buttons." I got inspired by other creators who had written about a male bedlam.  Like in with Coco, no many people have written enough about the character, so here I am trying to get the plot together.
          	Right now as a school projects am I talking about relationships, and I am making a YouTube video as my format... wish me luck
          	Anyway, see you next time and thank you for your time.


@Miss-I-LIKE-fake-MEN school projects always drain the soul out of anyone.


I CAME BACK! Sorry for taking ages guys, but I posted today! My new work (A remake of “The women and the Button monster”) Why another remake? I lost the Google doc (In other worlds, I could not read my own writing.) So with new lore and new start, I hope things go right. If you guys want me to updates on another books, I will when I have time. For now, I'll continue to write on this new book, "The New Buttons." I got inspired by other creators who had written about a male bedlam.  Like in with Coco, no many people have written enough about the character, so here I am trying to get the plot together.
          Right now as a school projects am I talking about relationships, and I am making a YouTube video as my format... wish me luck
          Anyway, see you next time and thank you for your time.


@Miss-I-LIKE-fake-MEN school projects always drain the soul out of anyone.


hey guys it's been a while. Many life events happened. I had an internship after returning from my trip. I also got the computer I have been playing games on like crazy. Also, my birthday passed too we did nothing too crazy. Sorry, I have been gone for a few months but once I have a better grip on my schedule I'll update the rewrite for one of my old books. I am a senior this year so there are a bunch of things I need to do. The worst part is that I have homework already but I have a sewing class and that makes me happy. Also, I am making good development with friends which I always struggled with. 
          If you have book suggestions I take them. I am trying to get better at writing and trying new things. So maybe if there is a topic you want/movie/show/ character you don't see much of I will do my draft and start writing the Y/N later.
          I hope you guys aren't that upset I don't update regularly but most of you have been very understanding. 
          Don't be shy to ask me anything.


Anyways I am here in El Salvador for my dad so yeah very different from where I am from.
          Anyways sorry for taking long to update I been doing a lot of writing on other things to get motivated to write on my phone since it’s different from a laptop and I feel goofy when I write in my phone for some reason. 
          Anyways you can ask me about my books. Like I said I think in my last post I am making a book from the movie Coco it is from Disney so there is that. I got heavily inspired to make this book since a like one person has made a book about what I am writing and I want it to be more I am close to finishing it I just need to do the end and do some very heavy editing since my grammar as you seen in one of my oldest books that I am bad at grammar at least not as much as before.
          Again thank you for being patient with me. 


Hey gang it’s me again. 
          So maybe in a few more weeks I will have a new book up finished! 
          It has my OC already like in that other book but! Since I have power I can change to (Y/n) as well so I will also do that for the other book and maybe edit a bit. 
          But just so you guys know I do have limited time on my electronics until I become 18. I do mind I do most writing at school anyways.
          I got very inspired to write this new book because it’s not only Disney but also there only been one book about this and the creator did such a great job but they have not finished. I think I mentioned this book. It will be the Coco movie that I will be writing.
          Anyways just know I am writing something and plan to work on old books too and work on my most viewed book too.


I have 50 followers?! Not gonna lie I never thought this many people would follow me I feel proud this may not be much but I feel proud and happy! 
          Thank for the people that followed and you found my books /(.-.)\. Thank you for being so patient with me and for not pressuring me to write I seen many writers in this app be told to write soon or something like that I feel bad for them… and yes maybe they stoped writing since 2016 but not me at least.
          Anyways I ate pizza how are you guys doing?


@Miss-I-LIKE-fake-MEN hiking is not for me never will go again


Thank you for telling me I will use this knowledge very carefully.
            I can’t in general go hiking I still go for my family but one time my uncle had to dump water on my nape because I was passing out almost threw up my uncle had to grab me from my back to keep me from falling all the way to the start. They were pouring water on me ever five seconds and when we made it I said I think I almost met Jesus and that I won’t ever hike again that I will just walk to the parks nearby my home.


Guys the last week of school for me is here!  I been writing a new book I know I was supposed to update in another book but I am still working out the plot on that one and I been working on this book for sometime now it’s been in my drafts for months and I decided type on it. Anyways my two best friends graduated :,) literally have no other besties. I can’t be social. Anyways since I told me teachers I sad about that they immediately said join a club so I can’t escape now. 
          Anyways I went to my friends graduation it was cool… they had snacks and I could not find them or say goodbye I did make a friend? Maybe? Idk.
          Anyways hopefully for once I can be productive this summer because usually this means I will have too much freedom and do nothing. .-.


I never been stress about school before. We had too many things going on, on that last mouth quiz I need to redo because I didn’t do it right the first time a test I forgot we were having rushing into projects being taught the wars that U.S. may or may not have something to do with it my mother leaving for two weeks and me having to be the mother because my last older siblings left and now I have to take care of my little sibling and my father. Growing up sucks. My arms or hand is tried from writing and sanding that box I had to write a lot on paper pretty sure my grammar shows…
          Anyways writing in my phone sometimes makes me feel… goofy this is why I do final proof reading and edits on my laptop I feel more better at that because half of the time I have no idea what the heck I said right now I have that problem. I have limited time on my phone I like my laptop will… it’s gone now. I been thinking of trying to get someone else to proofread but I am a high schooler my teacher does not want to read a cringe fanfic I barely have two friends who are leaving next year and leaving me alone. So I was thinking of making a proofreading space for you guys to give me your opinions suggestions that would be for the best more helpful and hopefully you guys find this idea better it would be interesting to see what you guys dislike or like. But I mean what do you guys think? 


I came here and saw that we can’t sent private messages anymore to followers although it’s sad something bad must have happened for them to have to take it off maybe nothing happened decided we just had it too good for too long it’s 50/50. Will if you want to message me privately we can always find a way. 
          By the way sorry it’s taking so long to write stories I know you guys are patient I couldn’t ask for better followers and fellow readers you guys really don’t pressure or anything and I am thankful for that. 
          I seen many writers who followers really pressure them and when I saw lots of people looking at my book I was worried but you guys had been very supportive. Thank you for that I wish I could show other then write it down.  And if you want to message me privately we can find way that is safe for the both of us. Is it weird that I said all that to people I don’t know? Maybe. You guys don’t know me too.


No it has a date when they will take it off… :/ 


You can’t?! I’m pretty sure I can still… maybe I need to update Wattpad


I know I haven’t written much but I have recently watched Film Theory a lot and I can by some Disney facts and theories that could I thought were crazy cool and show add to my stories yes I know u should be working on my stories but after stressing about my grades and knowing I can’t get into a university because of my learning disability it made me just watch a lot of YouTube about food and a lot of theories about Disney. I Miss Matpad but I knew it was his time go. I still watch channels I think the new host have fun making their theories. My question is since it’s all in theory and scientific should I do some of Matpads theories into the books? They all sound so fun to do?


@Miss-I-LIKE-fake-MEN do whatever you want it's funny. 
            Plus I think we may want to get some shoes that are comfortable we're going to have to be running a whole lot.


I miss Mattpat as well. And idk if you feel motivated into add it go ahead 


Just read this and saw many errors I miss my laptop 