
There was a cast and crew party today! I did eat a little too much,but I drank some water and am fine now. However,I don't wanna risk anything until I actually feel hungry. However,it is 4:37 right now and that time is too early for me to eat dinner unless I haven't eaten much or am not gonna have time to eat dinner. I plan to eat sometime after 6pm. I am gonna miss some of the cast members,especially the ones that are my friends. There will be auditions for a play next Thursday and Friday and I am gonna try out,so I hope to see some of the cast there.


There was a cast and crew party today! I did eat a little too much,but I drank some water and am fine now. However,I don't wanna risk anything until I actually feel hungry. However,it is 4:37 right now and that time is too early for me to eat dinner unless I haven't eaten much or am not gonna have time to eat dinner. I plan to eat sometime after 6pm. I am gonna miss some of the cast members,especially the ones that are my friends. There will be auditions for a play next Thursday and Friday and I am gonna try out,so I hope to see some of the cast there.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written anything for 2 weeks. I usually write in the afternoon on Saturdays but because of my musical I had to be at school at 4pm on those days and I wanted to catch up on being on my phone and watching tv. I'll try to update this weekend if you want to see an update on a book.


Guys my dad made me clean my cats litter box when it's my older brother's job cause he didn't wanna get him in a mood. My younger brother only has to take out the trash and clean the bathrooms. He doesn't even clean the bathroom's everyday. I have to do the dishes,put them away,clean the stove,clean the counters and sink and sweep. Some I do every other day on the weekdays. I count each as separate jobs. My feel like if anything my younger brother should do it. My older brother works at night most of the nights and sleeps during the day and wakes up later but it doesn't mean he can't do his part. Watch me slowly get all of the jobs in the house when it's hard to do all my jobs in one day. I told my brother your welcome gor during your job and he was like "I have to work almost everyday and your complaining about doing this?" When I was in my musical during tech week most of the days I had to stay until 9 so it was basically a work day without getting paid and I still had to clean. He did say thank you when I was done but still. 


I got my certificate from the Solo and Ensemble Contest and I got a rating of 2! I wonder how close I was to getting a 1. I am still glad I got a good rating though!


Hey guys! This was my last performance night. I did make a mistake. I was supposed to give a prop to someone and I had it in my hand put I forget to give it to him so I brought to him on my next entrance. Other than that,it was good! My mom,aunt,uncle and cousin came to watch! My mom got me flowers and I have them in my room! I also got a poster and some of the cast signed it. Also,all the seniors got a card and mostly all the cast signed mine. I am sad that today was my last night,but it was still really fun. I made lots of good memories.
          I had to do my own makeup today because my friend ended up showing up late cause of something. She said I did good,but I needed to put my blush up higher.


My 5th performance went well! I didn't end up forgetting the prop. Today,there was the least amount of people than the other ones. I think tomorrow will have the most amount of people. My Foods 2 teacher came today with her husband. She did get to talk to me after I was done. I sure hope tomorrow goes well! I am sad that it will be my last performance,though.


My 4th performance went good day! We gad Mexican food for dinner and I had cake. I think I ate too much,though. I think I had a stomachache cause at the beginning of the show I wasn't feeling good but after I had some water I was fine. I forgot a prop on my acting scene. I did act like I didn't forget anything,though. Other than that everything went fine. I have two more shows to go!
          I have people telling me that my musical is a play. I don't really like that. A play doesn't have anyone singing in it and a musical has mostly singing and dancing in it. You might think it's not a big deal,but it is to me since I have experience being in both a play and a musical now. 


Hey guys! I had rehearsal today. I was supposed to be off at 6 but it ended up being about 4:30 but I didn't leave until 6. During the time I was talking to my friend then working on my final for Foods and Fitness. Today was a pick up rehearsal and we just ended up going through the show once and got a few notes. I was a little late to get to one of my spots for awhile in my first scene cause people weren't looking where they were going so I had to go around them. That's about it.
          Yesterday I didn't have rehearsal and I don't have rehearsal tomorrow. 


Solo and Ensemble went well! I was louder and more confident than last time and I memorized my whole song! I hope I get into state! If I don't U am still glad I did it!