Im a writer, A Role Player, Gamer, Geek, Nerd. 
The usual. You choose to read my stories? Thats cool. Have fun, names Kristen Kaiser by the way, and things i write are either my own or fanfictions, lesbian unless Dallas Roberts in the question.
  • SumaliJune 3, 2015


Huling Mensahe
MissCanadianPie MissCanadianPie Jun 07, 2015 09:22PM
That was only a small taste of my new book addicted. there will be much more to come.
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Kuwento ni Miss Canadian Pie
Addicted ni MissCanadianPie
It's what keep's /Us/ alive. Are minds haven't fully /developed/ Haven't learned /true/ things. We've learned...