
Hey guys! Just coming through to let you all know that AMETHYST is officially published on Amazon in both eBook and Paperback formats! I hope you guys enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed creating it! Thank you for all the support within these last two years! I wouldn’t be where I am now if it weren’t for all of your wonderful support! I hope you guys have an amazing day! ❤️❤️❤️ Link to the book will be in my description!


@MissEmilie942  yasss congratulations!!


Hey guys! Just coming through to let you all know that AMETHYST is officially published on Amazon in both eBook and Paperback formats! I hope you guys enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed creating it! Thank you for all the support within these last two years! I wouldn’t be where I am now if it weren’t for all of your wonderful support! I hope you guys have an amazing day! ❤️❤️❤️ Link to the book will be in my description!


@MissEmilie942  yasss congratulations!!


Hello!! Its me SausageMcGriddle!! I have a brand new account and i wasnt able to respond to your message but i figured ill do it here. So, i would feel so amazing and grateful to be mentioned in your thank you note! It means alot to me! Your book is absolutely amazing and it is definitely one of my favorites. Thank you so much for this!!! ❤❤


That is wonderful & aww, i’m so happy that you liked the book! I would LOVE to include you in my thank you note. Would you mind sharing your name with me or an alias you’d like to replace with your real one? You can tell me through inbox if you’re more comfortable with that :)


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