Hello everyone! As many of you know, I had published a story titled "Our Past, Present, and Future."
I have spent months, maybe even years on this story, and I had every intention of continuing it someday. This story was one of my more popular ones, but that isn't why I was planning to continue it. I genuinely liked it and often went back to visit it. I enjoyed writing it and enjoyed sharing it with all of you.
I have been away for a while. I've been busy with my personal life and haven't had the time or motivation to write anything for a while. It's only recently that I returned to this site and it was purely to read other people's stories (regular fiction books, not fan fiction).
Tonight I was feeling, I don't know really, curious maybe? So, I went to check on my own stories. I saw an old story that I wasn't too fond of and unpublished it. It was then that I realized that "Our Past, Present, and Future" was no longer there.
At first I was extremely confused. I thought maybe I was remembering things wrong and I had actually posted it on fanfiction.net, as I have done with most of my stories. So, I checked there next. As you may have guessed, it wasn't there either. So, I started to panic.
I was originally on my tablet, so I switched to my laptop to make sure. But, after logging in and looking through my page, searching the for the title, and then searching for my username, I still couldn't find it. I also checked fanfiction.net to double make sure and still did not see it.
At this point, I'm extremely confused and in a complete panic, because it's as if the story just vanished from existence and I'm starting to worry that when I unpublished my other story, I accidentally did something to this one. So, I check my notifications on wattpad. I figure maybe I'll see a notification from a comment or a vote or something and I'll be able to get to it from there. Once again, nothing.
(1/2---more info in the next message)