
Hi! I apologize for promoting my story here on your board without prior permission. I'm a new writer,  and I've recently started writing a story. I'd love for you to check out a snippet of my work. Your feedback and support would mean the world to me. If you enjoy it, please consider voting, commenting, and recommending it to others. If possible, please follow as well to stay updated with my latest posts. Thank you in advance!


Hiiiii ‍♀️, 
          I hope you're doing amazing. I just want to recommend you a story called "Falling For Her" of my friend. It's a completed story with very little to less problem and heart warming romance between the leads. Please give it a try and let the author know about your reviews as it will really help her to grow. Though the chapters will compel you to vote but still don't forget to vote. 
          Please do give it a try ❤️. Thank You !! 
