
Hey everyone, look what the cat dragged in, huh? 
          	Yeah... I'm back, I guess. I want to start writing something but I don't know...


Hey gurl hey!!!! My names Irish and I personally love your stories. I know that maybe this is kinda late and maybe your happy when reading this, but I'm writing this so that you'll know that when you feel alone, theres someone who would talk to you...if your sad and just want to give up on life, don't. You are born for a reason. You might not know me, and I might not know you, but I know that you are a really unique and awesome person... Luv 'ya gurl!!!


Hey, this is my obligatory "where's the next chapter of The Show?" message. Reply at your convenience.


@TheStarkiller I MIGHT though. I have to do a lot of stuff to plan out the video for it  tonight so I might post it tomorrow. #spoileralert