
          	Yes I'm still alive, hehe. It was a long time ago that I posted here but I missed it. It is hella buzy in my live. I'm in my last year for my degree and work almost fulltime along school. I will write when I can, but don't count on a chapter soon.. I lost all my progress again after my usb stick crashed so have to start over.. AGAIN, sigh.. I also will move into my own home in 2 weeks or so.. Just to update you guys.


          Yes I'm still alive, hehe. It was a long time ago that I posted here but I missed it. It is hella buzy in my live. I'm in my last year for my degree and work almost fulltime along school. I will write when I can, but don't count on a chapter soon.. I lost all my progress again after my usb stick crashed so have to start over.. AGAIN, sigh.. I also will move into my own home in 2 weeks or so.. Just to update you guys.


Hai!! Ik zie dat je me volgt, ben je toevallig True Wolfs Mate aan het lezen? En zo ja, wat vind je er tot nu toe van? Mocht je nu denken: “hartstikke leuk!” Zou je me dan met iets willen helpen? Ik doe namelijk mee met een schrijfwedstrijd van Sweek - een online platform dat best wel lijkt op Wattpad - en om te winnen heeft mijn verhaal zoveel mogelijk likes en volgers nodig op sweek! Ik doe mee met de herschreven versie van TWM: ALPHA #MoonYAcontest (die hashtag is voor de wedstrijd) dus als je me wilt helpen dan kun je ook direct allemaal nieuwe hoofdstukken lezen vanuit Masons perspectief GO #TeamMason ❤️ (als je wilt hoor, met alleen liken en volgen help je me ook al enorm). Dus ga naar de website van Sweek, zoek mijn verhaal op, start met lezen, scroll naar beneden en klik op het duimpje en op het plusje en hoera je hebt gestemd! De winnaar krijgt een contract bij uitgeverij Moon, dus ik wil natuurlijk enorm graag winnen want dat is zegmaar mijn allergrootste droom EVER! Ik hoop dat je me wilt helpen, want daardoor maak je de kans weer wat groter dat ik in de finale terecht kom! Xxxxx ☺️


Hi guys, 
          I know I told you I would inform you guys when everything was fixed but apparently my computer can't be fixed.... I'm now on summerbeak but I can only write on the computer of my parents and well thats kinda impossible because my dad is working on that thing 24/7... Also i have a summer job so I work alot until september.... I hope i have the first chapter done before school starts... 


Take your time boo, you'll finish it eventually xxx


Hi guys, 
          I have some news about underground hustle...... I was almost done with chapter one but my usb doesn't work and I have some very big problems with my computer.... I am trying to fix it and well now I need to write chapter one al over again..... I am trying for you guys!! Hoping to write in my class today.... Will update you when everything is fixed...
          Bye guys


Well hello guys, 
          Well I have some very bad news... My vacation is over since last week :( but I didn't write anything in my vacation. I am hoping to finish chapter one this week of next week but I have a  job interview tomorrow but I think I can write something in my classes tomorrow.... 
          Will update you when i am done writing chapter one. Hopefully soon <3


Hey guys!
          I am sorry that it is taking so long for chapter one. School is just so much right now and I don't have much time to write but I am doing my best! I hope that I can upload chapter one in a few weeks! But I need to write a few more chapters so I can update 1 chapter every week. Talk too you soon!! <3