
New Book out :) "Fallen Unexpected" first chapters up !


@EasyMacandCheese honestly i am so sorry. I hve been in your spot before. It has hppened and it sucks i know. there could be so many reasons why she did that. You need to talk to her and figure out what happened. Its not good she did that. Just relax and take time away ok ? dont think about it. relax do ur faveourite hobbies then when your ready talk to her and figure out what happened ok?


@EasyMacandCheese sorry love. Alot has happened in my life in the last couole of months...been really hectic. Well if he will respond to you if you talk to him just relax and have a normal converstion. Ive been in your situation before and honestly sometimes when we would chat he admits he actually likes me to or wants to get to know me or he doesnt like me. You never know. Its not the end of the world if he doesnt like you. Just be yourself and chill. Have a normal convo like hes any other person. Like how was his day or like any interesting planned coming up kind of thing.