
for the people reading "child of the lotus": i'm taking down the story for a while, becaues i'm going to rewrite it all. i hope you understand and have patience since school takes up my time a lot.


Litle update. The crash that killed my old laptop made me lose the word document with my "child of the lotus" bothe the english version i was making for wattpad and the dutch version a was already making for years. This is mayor setback, but don't worry. I'll skip the dutch version and just continue on the english one.
          Ps.: i also lost some importand homework files for school :'(


Big news for those who read my stories. In case you noticed, my updates have been halted lately, tis happened due to the fact i have a lot of work to do for school now the end of the jear is approaching and because my laptop broke. Now my new laptop is on the way and i will be continuing "child of the lotus" first. Although it wont go all to fast (school). As always "Arigato gosaimas!" ^*^


:) Thank you for adding my story. I hope you like it.


@MissNekofy I really appreciate the kind words. I am very blessed to have so many great people around me to support me and encourage me. It's also a blessing to have such a large number of readers like yourself who support me by reading my work, voting, and leaving comments. It's so much fun to write for others to enjoy. :)


@genk01 i haven't read much yet. But i do notice it has a lot of potential and i like a good dose of scifi. I hope you'll never lose the spirit to write and wanna thank your wife and other people for motivating good writers like yourself. ^^


So. For those who wonder why my story "child of the lotus (deamon wars part 1)"and my "mini fanasy" are not getting updated lately. I am still writing on them. It is just that i have a really busy period at school. I am in my 6th year and after this there's one last year to do. So we get really big tasks to do now. I have to go do an interschip next year, 1 day a week, the whole year. And thats not the biggest. We also have to make (both this year and next year) a project we call GIP. Its some kind of big project we work on the entire year and at the end of the year we have to present it to a judge of 6 people. 3 of our own teachers and 3 people we (most likely) dont know. This project counts for more then half of the end results determening if we get graduated or not. So i have to put a lot of time in this. I hope you guys understand why my writings are going slow now. Arigato gosaimas. 


hi all, i just wanted to give a litle message to those that follow me and read one or two of my books. i'm sorry i haven't been able to update a lot. since both school and private life have gotten really busy. at the moment i am sick, so that might give me some time to push put an update or two (depending on what the doc. says) mostly i will be focussing on my "child of the lotus" story, specially since i've almost completed the story in my own language (dutch) and just have to translate it. hope you guys can forgive me on slacking a litle lately and like always: arigato gosaimas.


i hope all of you guys enjoued the holydays and i wish all of you a happy new year. let's make 2016 a great year and use our powers of written art to try and improve the world. when we combine all forces i'm sure we can do this. 


so, for who ever is interested I now start writing on my computer too (finally got the damn thing cleaned up) so i might have a slight less problem with typo's now (except in the "mini fantasy" because I keep writing those stories on the bus with my phone) I hope you guy's 'll enjoy that my "child of the lotus" will be moving on a little faster now and I really appreciate it when people actually read my stories it makes me feel proud for once. and as always ARIGATO KOSAYMASU!!!!!!