I’m not gonna lie y’all, but I’ve kinda just been out of it for a while. And I’m trying to get more active like not just one here because I’ve just went quite on a lot of media platforms, as well as certain gaming platforms I used to be active and talkative on, but I just don’t have the drive for it. As if I don’t really have much of purpose to be on those platforms. And I’m not saying that like that’s how people are making me feel or anything, simply that I myself don’t really do anything to seem important enough to be there. If that makes any sense? To me it does but then again my brain is kinda mess right now and I’m rather tired. Anywho, I’m not going to leave or anything. I will still try to be here more often, meaning if you don’t mind a bit of a delayed response I am willing to try and start/continue roleplays. Since I do enjoy the ones I have started and kinda bummed about the ones I’ve missed out on. I’m hoping that soon when I’m able to figure some things out and leave the place I’m currently staying, things will get a lot better. And won’t have to worry about being so mentally drained 24/7.