Hello! Happy New Year!
I apologize for not updating my other story which is currently untitled. It's still a work in progress. I was getting hit hard by not having any motivation on continuing. So, I'm doing something to snap myself out of it. To my followers who found me worthy of being followed, thank you and I appreciate you all! Also, to the readers who added Your Pressence to their reading lists, Thank you very much and I hope you're enjoying yourselves reading my story.
Also, my little "snap myself out of it" project is on my tweeter account, @vhee0613. It's not titled . It's a snippet style fanfiction, a short story as well. The Intro and Snippets 1-5 are already posted if any of are interested. I'll upload them here too but as a screen shot version. I don't know how that will work out but I'll figure it out.
Again, thank you all for reading my stories. If any of you have suggestions, ideas, any comments, I'm open to all (as long as there's no hate..lol). I'll try to update my Jin untitled story soon.