Hi everybody! I promise I’m still alive. Now as some of you may remember, I decided I was going to make the switch over to AO3 as the main hosting site for my writing. I do have a couple stories there that I am finally in the process of also posting here for those who prefer Wattpad. I also remember stating that with the switching of sites, I was also going to mainly be writing Destiel rather than bandom fics, but that I was going to finish the bandom fics I’d already started. Unfortunately, I have decided against that now. You may notice that all of the bandom fics are gone now from my profile. That’s because, for me personally, I no longer feel comfortable writing RPF bandom fics. And rather than having a bunch of abandoned WIPs sitting here, it was better to just delete them. That decision had a lot of consideration. It was a combination of my own interests, and the fact that interest from readers just wasn’t there. The stories I was most proud of were barely increasing in reader numbers over the course of months, and I was receiving little to no feedback that people wanted more. So I’m moving onto new things. As well as writing Destiel once more, I’m also dipping my toes into the massive pool that is Marvel shipping. My personal favorite Marvel ship is a rare pair. Any guesses? I’m sorry to any of you who may be disappointed that those old stories are gone. If you have any interest in how they would have ended and what I planned for the characters, I’d be happy to share.