
Also, one more thing. Have you ever had a crush on one of your teachers? How old were they, were they married and what subject were they in? I'm only mentioning this because I've had a crush on two of my teachers  my Health teacher and my English teacher. They both have told me they are proud of me.  Though, my health teacher thinks that Id make a really good doctor and my English teacher thinks I would make a good author sooo. They are both married and they both have kids.  But they're finnneee AF. They still work at my school I'll see them next year. 


this message may be offensive
@Miss_ChievousII I had a tiny crush on one of my teachers in 7th grade. She was 26, single, and FUCKING GORGEOUS.


Also, one more thing. Have you ever had a crush on one of your teachers? How old were they, were they married and what subject were they in? I'm only mentioning this because I've had a crush on two of my teachers  my Health teacher and my English teacher. They both have told me they are proud of me.  Though, my health teacher thinks that Id make a really good doctor and my English teacher thinks I would make a good author sooo. They are both married and they both have kids.  But they're finnneee AF. They still work at my school I'll see them next year. 


this message may be offensive
@Miss_ChievousII I had a tiny crush on one of my teachers in 7th grade. She was 26, single, and FUCKING GORGEOUS.


Soooo I'm making a new book! It's gonna be about the Street Punk turtles! (If you don't know who those are, the character's names are Ghost, Swift, Rebel, and MC). Ik I don't update my other books but I've been wanted to make this for a while. 
          However, I'm going to make the characters a little bit different; they are still going to keep the names of the Street Punk turtles, but they're going to be mixed with the 2012 ones. Don't worry, they're mostly going to stay to their original personalities, but with a twist!
          Ghost is still going to be quiet, preserved, and love guns, but he's going to be a bit nerdy like Donnie. 
          Swift is still going to be his flirtatious self, but he's going to be more leader-like. Rebel is still going to love to cook and be the mother of the family, but he's going to have bigger anger issues. And finally MC, he's going to be slightly flirtatious, he's still going to be the one who's always in trouble, however he's going to like art and gaming like Mikey. 
          Originally I was going to make this story about the 2018 turtles, but I realized it wouldn't really fit with their personalities, so I resorted to this. I really thought they would pair well with my characters. A little warning though, I will be using OCs, but that doesn't mean you can't insert yourself where that character would be. Every character will have their time to have a first person section. Feel free to answer yourself in that person's shoes, especially if they are a lot like you. 
          One last warning, I will have pictures at the beginning of each chapter including 'Gacha Life' versions of how I imagine the characters to look like. I don't have another app to characterize them in so I decided to use 'Gacha Life 2'. I know they look cheesy and childish but it's the only thing I can use okay. 
          I hope you like it! Adios!


Chat, I just wanted $25 gift card for Amazon, what should I buy with it?


@Miss_ChievousII ✨ jewelry ✨
            Cause we love a sparkly queen 


Listen, its April which is National Child Abuse Prevention month, if you guys are going through smtg PLEASE feel free to talk to me about it. I understand this topic well, though I'm not sexually or physically abused, I understand verbal from my own experience. I can help w physical and sexual abuse too, I've had many friends who have been sexually abused before, so I know how to talk to you. I just want you guys to know that you are loved and beautiful human beings inside and out!!! Goodbye my Sweet Potato Fries! 


Body Positivity; is it good?
          Welcome to "Random Rants with Layla!" The segment where Layla rants about her trauma and/or what she thinks should be common sense! 
          Body positivity is a great thing that people need to stop hating on, but we need to keep in mind that if you are to the size where you are having a hard time getting things done, moving, and breathing, then you need to do something about it.
          Diets are for YOU, to make YOU feel better both physically and emotionally.
          There are many times where people who have been in abusive house holds eat unhealthy childhood foods to cope. THIS IS OKAY TO DO!!!
          There are SO many people I've met who hate on that, but it's just apart of the healing process. 
          Don't take all sugar, carbs and meat out of your diet just because it will "help" 
          (which it won't, you'll just feel sad and worse),
          it's important to know that you can eat sweets and carbs, but there is always an unhealthy amount.
          People need to stop saying that it's "okay" to eat an entire wedding cakes worth of food, it's unhealthy for your body.
          Being healthy has nothing to do with what you look like, but what you feel like.
          -Remember you are beautiful wither you are 75lbs or 200lbs❤️


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POV: you can't go to sleep becz your thinking about school, your hot health teacher (that you won't be able to see again except in the hallway becz your moving to a different class), and about how it wouldn't be THAT weird if you were to date him becz he's only 40... 
          I probably shouldn't be saying this shit because I'm a minor.  
          NOTE; I did NOT have any kind of 'relationship' w my teacher, I just thinks he's attractive