WOW! Two long years - I bet I've been pretty much forgotten, huh? I was hit with so much real life stuff that getting on here was near impossible. Currently, while I'm not in school anymore, I do work two retail jobs. But I have free time and the motivation and as such, I have good news: Invisible will be rewritten completely and finished!
But not on this profile. 'Noelle Lewis' was an alias when I was too scared to give out my name; which I'm not anymore. I'd like for this novel to be under my own name and as such, I will continue it on my new profile - @andiraney.
I hope you guys are as excited as I am about this! This story is always on my mind and I have a few ideas and I feel I'm better writer now - expect something on that new profile within the next mouth or so! A big hug and so much love to those who remember me and this story and who are just as excited as me!
XOXO Noelle Lewis AKA Andi Raney