
          	Feminism isn't wanting more opportunities or special treatment. Its about not being a sexist. But do the men have a say in this- No, not always. It's the women who definitely do. It depends on us to make feminism a reality or leave it to remain an illusion. 
          	What better occasion to publish an article on Girl Love. 
          	We are often pushed down by our own kind. It was never about men... 
          	Well this Women's Day, Let us promise ourselves to spread love and support rather than gossip and back stabbing each other. 
          	HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY (I'm late but better late than never) #StopGirlOnGirlHate
          	Hey Guys, 
          	This is my new blog article- Girl Love. Do check it out! 
          	And if you like it vote and comment! 
          	And feel free to check out my other articles on the same blog!


          Feminism isn't wanting more opportunities or special treatment. Its about not being a sexist. But do the men have a say in this- No, not always. It's the women who definitely do. It depends on us to make feminism a reality or leave it to remain an illusion. 
          What better occasion to publish an article on Girl Love. 
          We are often pushed down by our own kind. It was never about men... 
          Well this Women's Day, Let us promise ourselves to spread love and support rather than gossip and back stabbing each other. 
          HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY (I'm late but better late than never) #StopGirlOnGirlHate
          Hey Guys, 
          This is my new blog article- Girl Love. Do check it out! 
          And if you like it vote and comment! 
          And feel free to check out my other articles on the same blog!


It would mean the world to me if you could check this out! Please support my amazing writing team and myself ❤️


Thanks ❤️❤️


@Nishsai_V  Amazing attempt. Keep up the good work!!


Heyy could you please check out my story DAUNTLESS or GRAY or WHAT HAPPENED IN PARIS
          In return I can read your story or make your books a free cover!!


@rachana__m good start to the book What happened in Paris... Would love to read more!! 
            Do check out my book and share your honest reviews!!


@rachana__m  sure will do. I will be happy to read more books


Hey, if you interested in fanfiction then, please check out my story “A lot like love” and if you like my story then, please also do vote and comment on it


@Miss_Kulkarni thank you so much :)


Mental health. These two words have so much of importance but are taken care the least. Psychology says the mind considers mental pain stronger than physical pain. But the latter pain is treated better than the former.
          How many of us have seen our friends gloomy the whole day and just to themselves? Of course we have cared and looked out for them. But most of the time we sympathize and it's really annoying. What we actually need to do is empathize. They don't need someone to solve their problems or make miracles for them. They need a listening ear. Someone who will say that they are not overthinking and their problems are real too. 
          There are a lot of campaigns going on about the same and it high time we make this a routine in our busy lives. Just sit with a friend,talk your heart out and listen to them. Take a few minutes off to focus on yourself and your personality. We are so busy in this fast pacing world that we have forgotten to feel and look after ourselves. 
          Let's break the stigma associated with mental health and talk to one another. 
          And of course I have met such wonderful writers on Wattpad that they are really nice and genuine people. 
          Anyone going through the same can feel free to ping me and I'll be there to listen and not judge.
           #BreakTheStigma #MentalHealth


@Pritika1106  sure sure... Definitely!! :)


@Miss_Kulkarni awww! Thanks! I hope we always remain in touch. We should catch a movie or lunch together after boards 


@Pritika1106 thank you so much! I wish more ppl take this seriously and make a difference in their lives. 
            And you are one of the those ppl in my life who will always hold a special position in my life no matter how much of each we see. :)


Hi! Thank you for voting on my story!


@Miss_Kulkarni  Thank you so much...I'm glad you enjoyed it!


@MagicEcho31575  your story was amazing.... I was really transformed to.the HP world again after 3 years...  Keep writing, you really inspire me! Waiting for the next update :) 