You all probably know that I am a Christian. Lent has started today (as of 2/10/2016) and will end the day before Easter. If any of you know what Lent is, I'm assuming you know that this period of time is to give up something for God. I have decided to give up Wattpad for 40 days in order to try and come closer to him, and will not be active during this period of time. Hopefully I will not come back to see all of my followers gone, but if that happens, oh well. Please note that I WILL be back.
If any of you actually want to contact me, my email is I will be able to respond (actually, if I'm not asleep expect a response in the following 6 hours XD). I'll miss you loves, see you on Easter
P.S. Try not to blow up my notifications. Thanks :)