
I'm not sure why I'm inspired to write right now; I recall the numerous times I attempted to delete my wattpad account. Despite my efforts, I was unable to stop writing. I also thought that perhaps writing wasn't really for me, so I initially believed that I should just stop writing, but I was mistaken since what I constantly seek is encouragement from other people. After all, who doesn't get delighted when someone reads your stories? I 
          	am currently writing again. 
          	I'm super thankful to my friends kasi they're willing to support
          	 me, thankyou very much I really appreciate it! 


I'm not sure why I'm inspired to write right now; I recall the numerous times I attempted to delete my wattpad account. Despite my efforts, I was unable to stop writing. I also thought that perhaps writing wasn't really for me, so I initially believed that I should just stop writing, but I was mistaken since what I constantly seek is encouragement from other people. After all, who doesn't get delighted when someone reads your stories? I 
          am currently writing again. 
          I'm super thankful to my friends kasi they're willing to support
           me, thankyou very much I really appreciate it! 
