
that moment when you feel like crying but can't so you do what??
          	read a sad book. break your heart. bawl your eyes out. and then you're all better✨


@STOB___IT fully recommend,, yw <33


@MissingYoonie247 Thank you...I will definitely read them❤️❤️


          	  1. The Heartbroken Heartbreaker
          	  2. 100 Voicemails 


that moment when you feel like crying but can't so you do what??
          read a sad book. break your heart. bawl your eyes out. and then you're all better✨


@STOB___IT fully recommend,, yw <33


@MissingYoonie247 Thank you...I will definitely read them❤️❤️


            1. The Heartbroken Heartbreaker
            2. 100 Voicemails 


this message may be offensive
around 3 am yesterday i finished the book "The Heartbroken Heartbreaker" and its apsolutly fucking beautiful i don't have words to describe it,, 17/10 do reccomend 


@lilybelieves RIGHT ITS LIKE SO BEAUTIFUL???????? but it's okay im always here to share and reccomend book knowledge u_u <33


@MissingYoonie247 OH.MY.GOD. I don't know if I should thank you for recommending this AMAZING book or yell at you for breaking my heart. I read it today,and GOD it was so damn beautiful and well written. THANK YOU! ❤


this message may be offensive
Hello my dear followers/servant-I'M KIDDING GUYS uwu y'all are my friends and I love you so much and I apriciate every comment of yours and I just love to make you laugh and shit.... So I just wanted to stop by and say that everyone here is beautiful (inside and out) no matter what anyone EVER tells you.. All the lies and their bullshit.. Don't beilive it.. When I tell you that u are beautiful you better repeat it after me (out loud) or I will track you down and I will make sure that you know how amazing and breathtaking and funny and sweet you are.. And honestly fu*k society and todays beauty standards like all of that is literal crap.. No one today knows whats real beauty and everyone judges peoples who aren't perfect/who don't fit in even tho they themselves definitely aren't perfect.... Thats why I find beauty in things that are different.. As a person with a different sense of humor and as a person who is really wierd and sucks at expressing myself I can tell u a lot about being different and honestly.. It took me a while but I am 78% sure that I love myself.. I love my dumb jokes and the wierd shit that I do and about the expressing thing.. Well I gotta work on that.. So love yourself.. Love you sense of humor.. Love ur awkwardness.. Love your.... idk... wierd laugh ur body.. Love the things that make u different.. Love ur imperfections.. Because they are what makes you, you.. They make u stand out and because of them u are yourself.. You are just perfect that way.. And I don't want you to ever change... Thank you <3 <3


Thank your for adding my book to your reading list :3


@sarcasm_since_birth is this what Canadians look like when they talk? Lol but seriously you're gonna give me a cavity <3 <3 tysm


@sarcasm_since_birth aww ty but yours is  A. M. A. Z. I. N. G. 


@sarcasm_since_birth whatttt bitch I'm awkward too your bio is goals lmao 


I need everyone to read this because its important..
          You all are beautiful inside and out, amazing, great people, kind, caring and strong..Everyone is different and thats the whole point..If everyone was the same the world would be boring. But some people just can't seem to shove that in their smol brain and they put down others.. Myb to feel better about themselves or myb to laugh idek.. I personally never understood the point of bullying.. Of hurting someone mentally or physically.. I haven't been bullied to an extreme point or even near it. I can't really relate to people who have been bullied, abused or hurt in school or other places but that doesn't mean that I always feel loved or happy and it doesn't mean that no-one ever hurt me... But I'm not here for my story.. I am here to tell you that you should NEVER give a damn about what people think. NEVER feel bad about yourself because of them and NEVER compare yourelf to others. No matter what others think, you are yourself and just the way you are. Whatever you do they are going to judge you for no reason again..so it doesn't matter.. BE YOURSELF LOVE YOURSELF


@StichLoverXOXO Love ya❤️❤️❤️❤️


@STOB___IT You have like NO idea how happy it makes me knowing that this is so important to you guys and knowing that I'm able to do something even if its not much...You don't have to thank me I am more than happy to help... *sending virtual hugs right back at ya* <3 <3 


@StichLoverXOXO Thank you for doing this......My situation is not really connected with this......but i feel so happy seeing that I know people who r so loving.......U make people feel good about themselves.......Very few people do that......Thank you......Thank u soooo much *virtual hugs*


Guyyss I need help.. I can't remember the name of this book...well of course I can barely remember what it was about.. I know it was a bit cliche but I liked it a lot...Pretty sure that they met on the first day of school and myb she was new in town or something idk.. And there was something about a parking spot that was his and she took it or smthn and I remember her slaping him...He had a few guy friends and ovi one of them started to have feelings for her but we all know who the girl ends up with when a love triangle like this happens...and I am 99,9% sure he called her Sugar... Idk I'm dumb guys please help


@SecretWhenever yeaahh it is I found it thanks too you uwu thank you I luv u soo much rn❣️❣️❣️❣️


I think it was messing with the bad boy 


I had no idea what everyone was talking about when they said that they hated the new wattpad logo and that its disgusting,cuz mine updated a bit after, and lemme just tell you..I saw the logo a few seconds ago and I almost passed out.....Tf is that???


Why can’t i use emojis lol 


I got used to it by now‍♀️