
In writing CTP, it helped me overcome my struggles. I've grown so much throughout writing this story with the love and support of you. So thank you so much!!


I apologize for being M.I.A. I've been going through a lot but I'm finally at a good place in my life again! Send me messages! I love talking to people. 


@invisiblegirl81 thank you so much dear!


@Mississippi_1D I'm happy you are back and not going through a tough time I know its hard going through the lose of a family member and also having your own problems to tack onto that. And as for your writing remember this is a hobby and don't ever feel pressured to updating fast always take your time.


So I actually wrote half a chapter last night. It was so nice finally being able to write. I've had a lot going on in my life and I just haven't had the time to let my creativity flow. So within the week I'll finish and post it!  Much love!! 


this message may be offensive
How do people get so many followers :( I wish more people could read my shit because I want to help people. 


@Mississippi_1D heyyyyy omg you re so amazing ❤❤❤❤


@Mississippi_1D  alot of people read your bokks don't be sad beacause ur book 'Cage the princess' has like 910k reads so don't be sad ur doing a good job and I'm sure your books aren't sh*t because you have ALOT of reads 
            Don't put your self down 
                                                        lots of love 