
Hello beautiful followers! Gosh, it's been such a long time. I have officially just published my new book "Eclectic" on wattpad! I expect to be posting pretty regularly now - so give it a thumbs up and let me know what you think as we go! I'd love for this to be a group effort...if you have any ideas for the story, tell me! 
          	Michaela Mary!


Hello beautiful followers! Gosh, it's been such a long time. I have officially just published my new book "Eclectic" on wattpad! I expect to be posting pretty regularly now - so give it a thumbs up and let me know what you think as we go! I'd love for this to be a group effort...if you have any ideas for the story, tell me! 
          Michaela Mary!


Hey y'all! Thank you SO MUCH for your continual support! I really am grateful to all of you who've followed me.  I love you a thousand red Swedish fish:) 
          If you like my story California Beautiful, please please please comment, share, and like! I would love to hear from all of you:) Happy December (and sorry I've been gone for so long)!


One of the strongest and most talented people I know and by far the best writer. You captivate your readers in every chapter and refuse to disappoint. So proud of you and all of the amazing accomplishments you have achieved for yourself on YOUR own. So blessed to get to call you my friend and very excited for your future work. I can honestly say that in 5-10 years I will see your name next to the words "written by" on a multitude of amazing, critically acclaimed books, and, for that, I am so incredibly excited for you. You deserve all the praise in the world. 


Chapters One and Two are now updated - but chapter One is actually much better and informative! I highly recommend rereading it if you have already read the original - I would hate to have you miss anything. Gosh, I love you all. 


Ever have that feeling when you feel as though you should read your own book? It's a little tickle on the back of your neck. "Read it," It whispers. "It'll be okay!" 
          I listened to this whisper, which pushed me to read my own book. I've since come to realize this book is nowhere I would like it to be. I will be editing what I have so far as well as posting the remaining story, but I am so sorry for those of you who've managed to get past those first few chapters! 
          They're cringe worthy! 
          I love you and my characters, and my story, and none of that will change. But my writing style has and continues to adapt, so I would hope the story can exhibit that properly.
          All my love,
          Michaela Mary xxx


@countryrootsandboots my name is michaela, and I just stumbled upon your page when I saw this! I know it was months ago, but I wanted to say you can write whatever leads you. Let a word, a thought, a song take your hand and pull you haphazardly through the journey only it can know. Embrace who you are, because it appears as though we have a few things in common. You're beautiful, and ever so talented!! Xxx