I'm thinking of creating a book series about Doctor Who, the life of the Doctor's daughter and how she 'died' to the world, but is alive and lives working for Torchwood Three after falling through the rift, and reunites with Captain Jack Harkness. I can say a lot of chaos happens, and even romance.
@-GhostGhaff- Oh yeah, I wasn't thinking about her being the main character as I have another thing for her during the book series. I was thinking of starting the book at Doomsday. Whereas Rose is saved by her father, I was going to have the OC's hand also slip and fall through into what they thought was the void but ends up with her falling through the rift instead and lands in Cardiff outside of Torchwood Three where she reunites with Captain Jack Harkness and has adventures with them as well as the episodes based on Torchwood.