
Hey guys, the results are in. After counting four times it's become clear that the winners, yes winners, are A Demons Heart and Funny How Sugar IS Sweet Like Honey. I'm gonna have to alternate by week with these because I know that I can't do both books each week. It wouldn't be consistent and I'm not too fond of realizing work that I don't approve of. I'm gonna do my best to stay on top of this and finishing these books but if you see me slipping feel free to remind me. Thanks for all your support guys, I couldn't even be asked to think about writing without you!


Hey guys, the results are in. After counting four times it's become clear that the winners, yes winners, are A Demons Heart and Funny How Sugar IS Sweet Like Honey. I'm gonna have to alternate by week with these because I know that I can't do both books each week. It wouldn't be consistent and I'm not too fond of realizing work that I don't approve of. I'm gonna do my best to stay on top of this and finishing these books but if you see me slipping feel free to remind me. Thanks for all your support guys, I couldn't even be asked to think about writing without you!


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What is up my lords and ladies? I am so, so, so, so, so sorry about just going missing from this account and making some people swear I was dead or something. There are literally not enough sorry's to even cover how I feel right now. But you guys have me shook. People are still commenting, liking, and following this profile even though I've been gone! Thank you guys so much! And honestly I need to live up to that. Especially for those few of ya'll who somehow got my email and have started to blow me up. You know who you are lol. So I'm gonna put myself on a much more manageable schedule to stick to. I'm gonna need you guys to pick your favorite book, I don't care how old it is or when I last updated, and the one that gets the most request will be the one I stick to until I finish it. Then I'll repeat the process. That way you can get an upload every week.  Now for those of you guys who are curious about where I've been. Excuse my language (you guys know I curse)... Let's just say it's been a rough ass motherfucking year. Hands down. Shit hit so many fans it was just too much. But I'm under control I'm good, and bitch, I'm ready to write. So send those requests in. I'm closing it on the 24th of this month, well technically the 25th if you consider I'm shutting it down at midnight. Thanks again for all the support, and if you see me slacking feel free to kick my ass into gear. Those of you who've been around for awhile know I need it sometimes.


Will you be updating a Demon's Heart here soon?


@HHoHee Hi hun, I'm sorry I'm responding so late. I'm prepping a chapter right now. I'm planning to release it either tonight or before I close down the requests. I just sent a message out that explains the details. Be sure to get your request for the fic in before it closes. But I'm gonna try and finish all the editing tonight.


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What's up my dear Masters and Mistresses? Happy New Year and stuffs! (I was supposed to do this on Christmas but stuff happened and I couldn't. So I'm gonna try not to shove all the information in one long message...)
           I know that it's been about a year since I've actually touched my accounts and I'm so sorry. So much happened last year, starting with my brothers health. I'd love to fill everyone in, but that'd be too much writing. So long story short, we've got a new groove figured out and I can upload again!
          I have no idea how I survived without writing. -.- I really don't.
          So my first update will be tomorrow, and I'm really excited about it. I've also made my list of requested stories, so Kaname's Sister will be first, followed by A Demon's Heart. 
          I also apologize for the sucky writing because I haven't written much and it's gonna be shit. So... yeah. 
          And thanks for the 600 followers! Holy crap! I feel like I could cry. ^.^ 
          Now *cracks knuckles* Time to see exactly how rusty I am....


Thank you for writing all your stories. Please update Poison.


@MisstressPhantomhive I can't wait for the next chapter and thank you so much for writing the story!


@cherishkm14 I will be some time this month. Thanks for reading it. :)


Please update Demon's Heart, i wanna know what will happen in the story.


@Hildaneesama Ok I will check it now


@Hildaneesama I just edited the current chapters and updated a new one. I hope you enjoy it. :)


@Hildaneesama No, no it's alright but i will be patiently waiting for you to updatr


Hi Will u ever bring back Harry potter fairytail crossover i really wanna See what happens xx


@lottieloo313 I'm writing the next chapter, like seriously right now. It's in another tab. I'm a glad that you enjoyed the fanfic and I hope that you enjoy the next chapter just as much. ^.^