
          	Dead tired... Dead inside... Sure... But I'm still kicking.
          	I haven't forgotten what I said before. I'm still writing my original story named Ravenous Cruelty. It'll be published on Barnes and Noble's site and I'll definitely announce when it's out there. I hope you will support me at that time. 
          	Ravenous Cruelty is a paranormal fantasy story, has a bit of humor, a lot of darkness and a lot of love. Familial and romantic love.
          	Imagine if you will, the fate of the world being in the hands of a quasi famous exorcist witch on YouTube with a rap sheet longer than a cvs  receipt, a vampire who had just reanimated in the world after decades of slumber, a hacker witch and a couple of researchers as they fight against the god of ends, the being that Devourers and the cult who's been trying to summon him. All because of a stream gone wrong.
          	Together that ragtag group discovers secrets about the world, the powers that be and each other. 
          	It's character driven, has a lot of heartfelt moments, a few spicy moments, and not to toot my own horn but it's gonna be a good time. 
          	Like I said above, I'll let you guys know when it's out with a link following it.
          	That being said, I'll still be writing on here. I still have a Zutara fic to fix and I'll put out some one shots every once in a while. 
          	Thank you all for reading what I have, for voting and commenting on my work, it helps me more than you know. 
          	I hope I'll continue to entertain you.


          Dead tired... Dead inside... Sure... But I'm still kicking.
          I haven't forgotten what I said before. I'm still writing my original story named Ravenous Cruelty. It'll be published on Barnes and Noble's site and I'll definitely announce when it's out there. I hope you will support me at that time. 
          Ravenous Cruelty is a paranormal fantasy story, has a bit of humor, a lot of darkness and a lot of love. Familial and romantic love.
          Imagine if you will, the fate of the world being in the hands of a quasi famous exorcist witch on YouTube with a rap sheet longer than a cvs  receipt, a vampire who had just reanimated in the world after decades of slumber, a hacker witch and a couple of researchers as they fight against the god of ends, the being that Devourers and the cult who's been trying to summon him. All because of a stream gone wrong.
          Together that ragtag group discovers secrets about the world, the powers that be and each other. 
          It's character driven, has a lot of heartfelt moments, a few spicy moments, and not to toot my own horn but it's gonna be a good time. 
          Like I said above, I'll let you guys know when it's out with a link following it.
          That being said, I'll still be writing on here. I still have a Zutara fic to fix and I'll put out some one shots every once in a while. 
          Thank you all for reading what I have, for voting and commenting on my work, it helps me more than you know. 
          I hope I'll continue to entertain you.


Hello! I'm excited to announce an original story of mine coming soon!  It's going to have action, drama, lots of heartfelt moments and a bunch of romance. I hope you'll enjoy it and I hope you enjoy the sneak peek of it! 
          Sneak Peek of my new story: 
          He captured her quickly, his hand tight against her neck. Her pulse quickened against his fingers, the beat electrifying him. Onyx watched herself in the mirror, a myriad of emotion flooding through her. Excitement. Hunger. Submission.
          His hand razed her senses, a slow but powerful wildfire as it traveled, scorching everything in its path. 
           A shudder wrecked through her, unable to take her eyes off him. Amber eyes glowered back at her, his lips resting against her neck.
          "Caught you." Her hand gravitated towards the back of his head, tangling her fingers in his raven locks.
          "You caught me." She breathed leaning her head to the side. His kisses were tender, allowing his fangs to graze at her skin, pleased at the goosebumps they caused. She shuddered out a short exhale, her grip in his hair tightening.
          "Will it hurt?" She asked. The vampire didn't answer, his lips busy with her skin. His hand sank past her hipbone, watching her writhe in his hands.
          "Do you want it to?" He finally asked. "I'll make it hurt as much as you like."


@Missxcocoa oooh I had no idea where it was going but then i read fangs. I will definitely read


If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral, I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everyone you care about, including me, if you care See how many times u get this I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever. If I dont get this back i understand. But i have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 people, including me. If you get at least three back you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is, untill they lose it. Tonight (at 12:00am) The person you love will realize they love you Then at 1-2 pm get ready for the shock of your life! If you break this chain, you will have bad luck With love send this to the 15 If you dont, you will be ugly in one A friend told me to do this, so pass it on!! Tomorrow, two boys/girls will ask for your number. Send this to 15 nice people or bad luck starts For a whole year. This is not fake. Apparently, if you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. Good luck!!


So hearting people's comments is a thing. Which makes me happy, cause now you guys can see how much I appreciate you commenting and telling me how the story makes you feel much quicker. 
          I'm embarrassed to admit how long it takes me to come up with responses for some of you. Much longer than you think. And sometimes I am incredibly forgetful and will not remember what to reply back with and that's how some people don't get replies.(Tis the brain damage). Nevertheless, I do appreciate all your comments. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Look, as much as I appreciate you reading my stories and liking them. I literally hate two of them on here XDDD
          THUS...I'm in the process of rewriting them both. Cause...the writing just sucks in my opinion and I know I can write and give you better. So I will. This will take some time of course. Beauty in the Beast will most likely be renamed. To what, idk. Something that probably makes more sense. And Lethe will probably keep the same name. But the plot will be cleaner and hopefully be something I don't cringe at every time I see it.
          I do appreciate and apologize if you liked the stories as they are now but every time I see someone like my stories or comment on those I want to die and I hate that feeling. It just feel like I didn't do good enough for you and I want my stories to be worth your time.
          Thanks for your support and patience. I'll try not to work myself to death. 


Well this is awkward.  
          Apparently, when I mass posted into this site, word thought it would be a splendid damn idea to put my comments and notes in too.  If something just seems off point it out to me and I'll take care of it. Sorry about that. I didn't know my notes and editing comments would make it into the copy and paste. 


Me after writing Book One: Haha, that was long and painful, but I am better prepared and can totally get book two done in under a year. 
          Life and Book Two itself: Yeah...so here's the thing...no. 
          I've been subjected to multiple writers blocks, mental breakdowns from myself and people I care deeply about. Job drama, family drama, world drama and had it not been for other people reminding me of dates, and regular webtoon scheduled things, I wouldn't know what month we were in much less the day of the week. And yet, I still pushed for a time limit for myself adding more stress like a moron. So...sorry for taking so long. I'll try to finish this before Christmas (that's when I published Unity). 
          After Book Two, we have one more book and then I don't know if I'll write an epilogue afterwards which would be a chapter or two, not another book. 
          After Unity, I'll have another Zutara fic in the works. It won't be broken up into three books like Unity, but it will have a Unity style to it. It's set in a Modern AU, with bending. Everyone is aged up and the canon Avatar universe has next to nothing to do with my story. I mean it, I've changed the rules, drastically. 
          The story is called Shades of Blue and I'm really looking forward to writing it. From what the bare bones outlines are looking like, it might be a 10-15 chapter story for now. I'll give a synopsis of Shades of Blue when Book Two is out. I hope you're looking forward to it and thank you for reading my works. I sincerely hope you enjoyed them.


Hello! I am sending this out at basically 6am because who can sleep? Not me! 
          Anyway! I'm happy to announce that the second book of Unity will be coming soon. I apologize for basically taking around an entire year to make the second book. Keep in mind I'm doing this all by myself and despite me typing this at the crack of dawn, I do have a life outside of this and obligations. Also...this year for me has driven me insane about 5 times. 
          I'll try not to take much longer but please understand I am trying to put out the best of what I can for you because I would like for this to be worth your time that you have taken out of your lives to read my story. Which by the way, thank you for doing so. I really appreciate it. I'm only getting better which I hope you all see that for yourselves. Thank you once again for reading. I hope you enjoy what I create. 
          Take care of yourselves out there.


Hello! I just wanted to keep you in the loop for those looking forward to reading my story Unity~ Once again this has major canon divergence, and is considered a Book Three rewrite and beyond. I hope you're all excited about it. I am too. I wanted to announce that I am almost in the editing stage of the first book of Unity. So it shouldn't be took long for Unity Chapters to be dropped on you at once. Like I had promised, these books will be given to you on completion, meaning once I finish Book One (Or in Avatar's case, Book Three), you will get the entirety of that Book. It'll take some time for me to do Book Two which looks like it'll be denser but we'll have to see. Thank you all for being patient and I sincerely hope you like what I've given you. For those of you still reading Beauty in the Beast, I'm still updating on those chapters as well.  Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy what I'll write for you in the future.
          Synopsis of Unity: 
          Everything changed once Ozai was slain by his own son. Zuko takes the throne as Azula takes her father's most loyal back to the Earth Kingdom to strengthen and take back the Fire Nation. With the Avatar gone, Zuko turns to Aang's friends and allies trying to be on the right side of this Hundred-Year War.


@Missxcocoa ayyyy let's goo


@vcrucesm1147 Sure thing. I'm actually editing the last few chapters so that should be soon. ☺️ Thank you for reading~


@Missxcocoa  @ me when you have these books out and I'll read them no cap❤️


Hello! It's been a while! First off I want to thank everyone of you for reading my works. I'm very appreciative of all of you and for all the comments that have made me laugh and for all the suggestions to improve my writing. 
          I'm not sure if any of you have noticed....but I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times. Writing had been rekindled as a passion of mine and I've been trying to fully run with it. And as I've been learning and developing my writing, I have been looking in disdain towards all my past works. Sooooo....I've decided to pick at, edit and fix them all. They aren't going away. I want that to be clear. They're just going to be improved. Any plot holes I've missed, something that didn't make sense, I'm working on all of those. Hopefully, they'll be a lot better. That way I can have my eddpilogue (see what I did there?) and pull myself out of the rut that I've placed myself in with Zutara. 
          As I write this to you, I've already been working on my stories both old and new. I'm sorry they take so long...life has a way of making things miserable at times and things constantly get in the way. But I'll be putting out both old and new stories. I truly hope that you'll like the improved writing! 
           Thank you again for taking your time to read this and my stories. I love you all. ❤️