Me after writing Book One: Haha, that was long and painful, but I am better prepared and can totally get book two done in under a year.
Life and Book Two itself: here's the
I've been subjected to multiple writers blocks, mental breakdowns from myself and people I care deeply about. Job drama, family drama, world drama and had it not been for other people reminding me of dates, and regular webtoon scheduled things, I wouldn't know what month we were in much less the day of the week. And yet, I still pushed for a time limit for myself adding more stress like a moron. So...sorry for taking so long. I'll try to finish this before Christmas (that's when I published Unity).
After Book Two, we have one more book and then I don't know if I'll write an epilogue afterwards which would be a chapter or two, not another book.
After Unity, I'll have another Zutara fic in the works. It won't be broken up into three books like Unity, but it will have a Unity style to it. It's set in a Modern AU, with bending. Everyone is aged up and the canon Avatar universe has next to nothing to do with my story. I mean it, I've changed the rules, drastically.
The story is called Shades of Blue and I'm really looking forward to writing it. From what the bare bones outlines are looking like, it might be a 10-15 chapter story for now. I'll give a synopsis of Shades of Blue when Book Two is out. I hope you're looking forward to it and thank you for reading my works. I sincerely hope you enjoyed them.