
Happy Birthday to TOM HOLLAND!!! :D :D


@LLoralie Me neither!! It looks sooo good :) ❤


 Oh my god!! Yesssssss! I can't wait for Spider-Man: Homecoming :) ❤️


People on Twitter: OMG, I am soo weird! *Eats Peanut Butter with an Oreo* I'm, like, not even human. That's how weird I am.
          Me: *Is ACTUALLY weird and hangs upside down like Spooder-Man* Wanna hear my impersonation of a Goldfish? OOH! I WANT SOME DONUTS!


OK, little storytime: So, there's this insanely cute boy that I kinda like... Whenever I think of him or see a picture of him, I feel like a pile of jelly. It's just the average symptoms of a crush: Hyperventilating, warm feeling in your chest, knees weak, can't speak. You know, the usual. So, when I first saw a picture of him, all of these things happened to me, (Fun fact, I actually fell when I saw him. xD) and I thought there was something seriously wrong with me. So, I did what every person on the internet does these days; typed my symptoms into Google to see what was wrong with me. No joke, three out of four websites I typed these symptoms into, they said I was in love. WTH?!? I COULD BE DYING AND YOU TELL ME I'M IN LOVE?!?