
Sorry for not posting last, last weeks chapter guys, something came up and i literally was unable to post it. When I did get the chance it was already getting close to this weeks scheduled update so I figured I'd just post the chapter that was supposed to be the update for 2 weeks ago for this week. Things should go back to normal and I will be posting regularly every 2 weeks again. Thanks for understanding! ~MissyGracey


Sorry for not posting last, last weeks chapter guys, something came up and i literally was unable to post it. When I did get the chance it was already getting close to this weeks scheduled update so I figured I'd just post the chapter that was supposed to be the update for 2 weeks ago for this week. Things should go back to normal and I will be posting regularly every 2 weeks again. Thanks for understanding! ~MissyGracey


Hey this is one of your subscribers from ifunny. I found a post where you said your name on here and since I like writing I will be writing on here as well soon. I'm following you here now and would love to give you input whenever you post and hole you'll do the same for me. my name on ifunny is CronaJrFAUN


To help strengthen my writing skills, I've decided to write short stories, not fanfics. Each one different from the last and each story never finished but hopefully I get my readers to want more. If you have an idea or even a request to what type of short story to create, feel free to tell me. I've never thought about becoming a published author or anything but the more I think about how much my readers enjoyed the Trust My Soul fanfic, the more I thought about becoming more in the field.


Whoever read my first fanfic, Trust My Soul, please understand that I was mainly basing it off the anime, while I was writing it I had not yet finished the manga so I didn't want to write anything that would conflict with the events in the manga. I only took a couple things.