
Hey, Readers!
          	Sorry for the frequent notifications the last few days, but I felt obligated.
          	I wanted to let you know that Chapter 16 is nearly finished; I've written everything I had planned for it. Now I just have to read over and do final checks.
          	Contrary to one of my previous announcements, it did end up being a longer chapter again; 12,755 words. I'll probably be publishing it in the next day or so. 
          	I don't think this is spoiling much, but this one gets kind of dark and I think could be a real tear-jerker.
          	Okay. That's all. Stay safe, Readers!


Hey, Readers!
          Sorry for the frequent notifications the last few days, but I felt obligated.
          I wanted to let you know that Chapter 16 is nearly finished; I've written everything I had planned for it. Now I just have to read over and do final checks.
          Contrary to one of my previous announcements, it did end up being a longer chapter again; 12,755 words. I'll probably be publishing it in the next day or so. 
          I don't think this is spoiling much, but this one gets kind of dark and I think could be a real tear-jerker.
          Okay. That's all. Stay safe, Readers!


Hey, Readers. 
          In three days, I'll be going back to college for year #2. 
          I also have been busy writing the next chapter, which will be called "Chapter 16: The Warzone". I don't think it takes a genius to guess what it's gonna be about. I wanted to give everyone a heads up that it's gonna be a bit shorter than other recent chapters because the events just happened to conclude a bit quicker, but that could change because I haven't finished it yet. I usually proof read three times, just to find errors and add in anything small that I think of on the fly. So far, It's at 6,612 words right now.
          I've also decided that I want to make the rest of the character's art myself, but they'll all be either portorates or just headshots, because drawing a full body for every character is just not feasible for me and my limited skills. I really wanted to commission an artist like JackRip or someone else to make some art for me, but I'm just so hung-up on spending money. No matter what I tell myself, I can't do it. 
          On a side note, I have also been making some interesting little side-view, map-type images for the Halfpace, that big starship that's only on one chapter near the beginning. I'll probably put those in chapter 2 as well as the next chapter at some point. It'll just be something interesting, I guess.
          Alright, that's it. Stay safe, Readers.


@69CANDIS420 I live for these kinds of comments! I'm glad you liked it!


TLDR: good book and I wish you well at college 


this message may be offensive
Good luck at college dude, Also just wanted to say that this book so far is one of the best I’ve read since Factory Reset (it’s a really good book, but pretty long), what I’m trying to say is that this book is on a different level of epic proportions bro, this shit is more engaging than watching a fish rotate to funky town (meaning that it’s really good), and this is coming from someone with Above mild ADD and OCD so the fact that I can read this without getting bored or distracted every 10 seconds is amazing. Thank you for making this book man, and once again I wish you good luck in college 


Hey, guys. I've been lazy recently when it comes to writing. I'm terrible at abstracting what's relevant and what's not, and also I have only been working on the next chapter for about five days now, even though the last chapter was released a while ago. It's coming really slowly, but, I'm still trying. 
          Also, I still refuse to commission any art for the story, opting instead to ATTEMPT to draw it myself (Truthfully, I don't value art enough to spend real money on, but I also wanted an excuse to try drawing too). 
          I am not an artist when it comes to characters, or anything that isn't rigid, geometrical shapes with sharp, precise edges. But, trying I am, and something is happening. 
          So far, I've made a digital version from the a photo of the Calliope pencil sketch I put in the last chapter... that's all I've got. It's got color, sharper lines, and I'm going to TRY to shade it.
          To summarize: Next chapter has 7285 words right now (and only has half of the events I wanted to cover in it); Calliope art coming(it's all kinds of amature, but, whatever); stay vigilant. I'm working on stuff, just R E A L L Y... S L O W L Y. 
          On the bright side, the next semester is approaching and I found out that instead of spending a thousand dollars on textbooks I'm not gonna read, I can just go onto internet archive and download PDF copies for free. That really isn't relevant to any of you so I'm not sure why I told you that, but it matters to me and I make the announcements here.
          Note: Someone mentioned that Bash looked like something called Skibidi Toilet, whatever that is, so, I'm gonna be scrapping any further attempts at drawing him because that REALLY WAS NOT what I was going for; I don't want people getting the wrong idea.
          Okay. Stay safe, Readers!


@MisterCantaloupe Good to hear man. Take it easy and good luck. 


Announcement: It's been over a month. I did writing again; big chapter coming soon. Stay tuned. 
          Note: Still not sure if I'm gonna commission any art. Might try to draw it myself because I'm not committed enough to spend money yet. Still not sure. Just to be safe, expect no art so you're surprised if there does end up being art later. 
          This announcement felt somewhat contrived, but it's whatever. Okay, stay safe, and (hopefully) see you soon, Readers!


Hey mate, have you thought about asking @Jack_rip or any other artists to do artwork for your story?


I think I have serious impostor syndrome.


@jake04071996 that wasn't you. I constantly feel like that.


@jake04071996 its fine. I realized I was rambling.


YO! I just finished my finals AND chapter 13, AT the same time! I'm just letting you know it's dropping tomorrow! And I'll tell ya, I anticipate it's gonna be a good one!
          Have an awesome day, guys!


@MisterCantaloupe Have a great day too, and congratulations. I'm reading and following your story from start to finish, looking forward to the next chapters. please don't give up on this wonderful story and continuation. Greetings from Brazil 
            Note: Portuguese is my only language.


@MisterCantaloupe Also, congrats on completing your finals my guy.


@MisterCantaloupe Can't wait. Also thanks for following me dude, I appreciate it.


@CometTelos Are there plans to do anymore artwork of other characters we've seen in the story?
          Really loving the story and new chapters BTW.


@jake04071996 in terms of art plans, we have no art plans. 
            I don't know though, I might try to get more for some other characters, now that you mentioned it.  
            I know I may have said in a comment that I was going to get real art commissioned instead of using ai, but my car just failed inspection, so...probably not getting REAL art anytime soon.
            Anyway, thanks, my guy! Glad you like it.


@CometTelos Hey dude I have a question I was hoping you could answer.
          Because the story is set in 9123, and everyone is still using projectile weapons, are the guns they are using in this future based on modern day weapons like what we have today like M4s? 
          Just curious.


@jake04071996 Yeah, so the timeline is a bit tricky and I realize I didn't do a good job explaining it in the story. The anthros as a species are only about 800 years old, so most of their knowledge was GIVEN to them by the humans. Their weapons use the same principal but wouldn't necessarily look EXACTLY the same. You can assume they use whatever weapon you imagine since I didn't really specify it in the story and used generic terms.
             I don't want to spoil the plot yet, but mostly everyone in the story is using projectile weapons. The anthros haven't invented energy weapons yet, and the humans have such limited resources, they can't make manufacture energy weapons anymore. The Reaper's pistols in the story are rare, and they'll be the only non-projectile weapons for a good chunk of the book. There's also gonna be some (minor) revelations in the next chapter which are world related, but I'm not gonna say what they are.