
Hi all! 
          	So, I'm not dead, but as you may have guessed I've moved over to other sites. 
          	I'm currently sitting over on Ao3 still chucking up fanfics under the same name (Mistical52). I'm considering putting some of my Ao3 works over here for you all to read. I'm mostly in different fandoms writing wise, but if you want to check it out what I've got that's where I currently am. 
          	I'm also considering bringing some of my favourite works over here? If you guy would like that?
          	I've got a few ongoing fics that I'm enjoying, I've got a time travel Avatar the Last Airbender, a Soulmate/Lisa Lives Castlevania fic, a couple of short Good Omens stories, and I've got a fic that contains a bunch of Star Wars time travel one-shots. 
          	If you want to read any or all of those or any others which I have on Ao3 then reply to this or dm me with what you want to see on here. 
          	Thanks to all my readers. I hope you're all doing well and keeping safe.


Hi all! 
          So, I'm not dead, but as you may have guessed I've moved over to other sites. 
          I'm currently sitting over on Ao3 still chucking up fanfics under the same name (Mistical52). I'm considering putting some of my Ao3 works over here for you all to read. I'm mostly in different fandoms writing wise, but if you want to check it out what I've got that's where I currently am. 
          I'm also considering bringing some of my favourite works over here? If you guy would like that?
          I've got a few ongoing fics that I'm enjoying, I've got a time travel Avatar the Last Airbender, a Soulmate/Lisa Lives Castlevania fic, a couple of short Good Omens stories, and I've got a fic that contains a bunch of Star Wars time travel one-shots. 
          If you want to read any or all of those or any others which I have on Ao3 then reply to this or dm me with what you want to see on here. 
          Thanks to all my readers. I hope you're all doing well and keeping safe.


Holy mother of -----! 
          'Skulduggery Pleasant: Reversed' has 1k views! 
          When did that happen? And another two fan fics are 70-50 views away! 
          Thanks to anyone who has read any of my works! It's astounding when the seemingly small numbers add up to something huge! 
          Thank you all so much!
          I hope that you have a wonderful day, night and week! :D


*Waves at everyone*
          I'm back! 
          ... well I never really left but I wasn't interacting ether. 
          So question of the day, if I was to make a comic out of my original stories here on Wattpad, which one would you like to see as a comic/ enjoy reading the most?


... O_O 
          Wait a second ... I have 100 followers.
          ... I have 100 FOLLOWERS!!! 
          Holy s***! 
          I would ask when that happened but I remember the 'so and so is now following you' notification, from this-morning!!
          *Smashes head* How could I have been so BLIND!!
          Thank you to all my followers, old and new for following me!
          I know I haven't been very active recently and I'll try to update something! 
          Alright my 100 followers, does anyone have any particular requests of what I should update?


“Master Kenobi, always chasing after Skywalker. How predictable.” – Asajj Ventress 
          Everything changed on Mustarfar, not just for Anakin, not just for Obi-wan or the entire remains of the Jedi order, but the whole galaxy and the balance of the force. 
          The duel on the lava planet was more persuasion and promises, along with silent hopes.  
          No Jedi survived the brawl between light and dark, rather two Sith emerged. 
          The tag team of the Clone wars together turned to the Dark side. Both in hope of saving someone. Neither succeeded. 
          Now they both live with the consequences and outcomes of their choices in a galaxy dominated by the dark. 
          One where the rule of two still applies.


*Has seven word documents open*
          Hmmmm, which story do I continue writing? 
          *Looks as the documents*
          *Reads favourite scenes*
          Hmm, *Reads titles*
          Heart of the Hunter (Mocking title: My Sisters's Bounty Hunter)
          Our Mundane Magical Lives
          Star Wars Fanfiction - Pushing Back (Unlikely to be published)
          The Worthy
          See Your World Through My Eyes
          The Darthness of the Vader (Star Wars Fanfic)
          A Warriors Wounds
          O_O GeeChrist which one should I continue to write?!


          I'm thinking of making a couple of one-shot books. 
          One for fanfictions and one for original stories. 
          I'm mainly thinking about this because I have so many ideas and I'm never sure which ones you guys would like to read. It could also give me a chance to get feedback and also be a way to chose which ones I want to continue with, if at all. 
          What do you guys think?