
Good news, y'all! The Wine Reading Review is now open for application. So if you'd like an honest review of your work, make sure to head over and apply for one. It's first come, first serve, so what are you waiting for? Come check out The Wine Reading Reviews and get some informative feedback for your work!


Happy New Year! I know this update is long overdue, but here's wishing everyone a peaceful and happy 2019, and hope this year can really get your writing groove going. 
          In the meantime, I've been working on some new ideas for Like Minds, and I'm very happy to say the plot is coming along great, and I can't wait to share it with you guys soon. Also, be on the lookout for an update with Home Sweet Home. Things are about to get a lot crazier in Oakville!
          For those lining for a review, I want to thank you for being so patient with me. Work and school have all but taken over my life, but rest assured that I've been working on them. Like I said, if I promised you a review, you will get your review. So do not worry. :)


So excited to read more Like Minds! It’s one of the first books I read on here when I joined last Jan! Yay! 