
Actually no that's the first time I've ever heard of that, why is my name used on that site? 



I think because I started reading this book under my Misty Dorothea account that I'm still using that name,  even though I thought I added this to my new one, so now I'm not sure that I truly signed into the new account??


Dear Wattpad,  I just signed out of my Misty2Dorothea account, and tried to sign in under a new account, and because I used the same email,  it wouldn't let me sign into my new account, so can you please tell me how I can get rid of this account completely?  I thank you for your help!!


Sorry,  but even when I clicked on your @ address it took me to your MissElle page,  so I wrote you on there, and  I'm just like you!  I DON'T post anything rude or mean, cause if I think your going to be that way,  THEN STOP READING!!! And don't worry about when you get a chance to respond,  cause I mean you obviously have a life apart from Wattpad, so reply when you can!! I hope you have a GREAT day as well!! ❤ ❤