
So! My mom ordered a new cord through Amazon Prime and it arrived yesterday! :D A new chapter of TRLG is now up! I may still have to buy a battery as it doesn't want to reach a full charge, but I shouldn't be without my computer for a long while! :D Enjoy the update, my lovelies!


Please update beauty and the beast


I am sorry to inform you that I won’t be. While I did finish a first rough draft on the story, I need to keep the rest of the book under wraps for now.
            I have become more focused on my writing this past year in an effort to be published one day. However, posting your stories online means, to a publisher, that you’ve given away your story for free. Even if it is a first draft. I do not have enough reads, votes or followers for that to be overlooked. I also do not update on a regular basis because I am in college, so I don’t have the time to put in that much energy in Wattpad to garner that kind of interest in my books.
            I do still want to work on the Twisted Fairytales series again soon, but I feel that focusing on one book with a clear focus and agenda will help me reach my goal of being published. Therefore, I am working on my new book, THE KARMA LIST, as often as I can and promoting it on my Twitter, @BellePCliffe , with twitter games and a weekly Aesthetic based on a prompt from one of my favorite games.
            I am so glad you have been enjoying my book. That is all a writer wants to know is that it has made someone happy! Hopefully this isn’t too disappointing and I can still keep you as a loyal fan!
            If you message me on twitter, I might be able to do something for you as well! ;)
            Have a great day and I look forward to hearing from you again!
            Belle Cliffe


Are you going to update THE ROYAL LOVE GAMES?


@JPSYNX3  I am not. I hit a hard wall in that story because I didn’t have a clear direction to it. Since then I started other novels and became more focused on my writing and became more serious about publishing.
            In order to publish, I needed to stop posting here. I do not have enough klout or traffic on my profile to give just cause and reason to a publisher on why I would continue to post chapters up in my books, essentially giving them away for free, even though they’re all unedited first drafts from when I was a teenager.
            I also have been solely focused on my novel, THE KARMA LIST, In hopes of finishing, editing and publishing it within the near future. I do a lot of twitter games about this book. Just follow @BellePCliffe on twitter to find out more!
            I really appreciate how your enjoyment of TRLG. I wouldn’t think someone was still reading my profile, and enjoying it, let alone wanting to know if I would update! This has made my day, but I hate to disappoint you! If you message me on twitter I can probably make a little deal with you! ;)
            I hope you have a great day, and thanks again!
            Belle Cliffe.


So! My mom ordered a new cord through Amazon Prime and it arrived yesterday! :D A new chapter of TRLG is now up! I may still have to buy a battery as it doesn't want to reach a full charge, but I shouldn't be without my computer for a long while! :D Enjoy the update, my lovelies!


Hey all! So I went to Staples today and they do not know what to make of my computer entirely. I was there for an hour and a half and was told that it's probably just the cord, but it could also be the battery. However it could also be a damaged port and they won't know for sure unless I have updated both the cord and the battery. I may just be buying a cord or I may be buying a whole new computer.
          I start summer session on the 14th of June and I will need a solution by then. Hopefully that means I can update some of my books by then too! Thanks for sticking with me!
          TTFN! TaTa for now, my lovelies!


sorry about your computer fix it soon cause im in love with TRLG and of course when i like books i read them for hours with out knowing and then they need updates or end already.... So plz fix ur computer and be the first to update on the book cause im waiting on like 10 updates on different books.


Haha my best friend has the same problem with a lot of her yaoi!! She refuses to read any of my books until they are finished because she hates cliff hangers :P
            I am also posting an update on the tech problem in a second!


Hey all! I know some of you have been asking for updates and I would love to give them to you! Unfortunately after an incident a couple months ago involving my cat, Jinx, my charging port got damaged in my computer. Over finals week it started to refuse to charge and keep a charge. It now no longer turns on. All of my work is on that computer and I need it to find where I left off to make an update. I get paid soon and my first priority is fixing my computer. I do not know how long until it is fixed, but I hope that it is soon. I am sorry! I know I promised that update after my final! I will update you on the situation soon my lovelies!!!!