
Hey everyone,
          	Just an update. Making some headway on writing. I was really stuck on chapter 42 for a while because I really didn't like writing from the perspective of the U.S. military. That is until I realized I could take a creative approach that wasn't so painful to write.
          	If there is anything I have learned from writing this story so far, I really hate writing from the perspective of the military. Especially since I have no idea how it operates from the inside. So I am likely to focus on an outsiders perspective. Much less painful and more leeway in my opinion.
          	The release of the chapter will depend entirely on my graduate program workload, as I have to worry about finishing my capstone. If you don't know, my capstone is 30 to 50 pages long with an oral defense... So yeah. Fun stuff. 
          	Thank you everyone for being patient.


@Mitoke its been a year you still working on this story or is it dropped?


@Mitoke Take your time


@Mitoke please write. <you can write civilian point of view


Mitoke, can you do a HTTYD version of America in another world, with all the tribes like Berk, Berserkers, Defenders Of The Wing, Outcasts, Wingmaidens, Hidden World, and Rescue Riders merge as one landmass and showing in another world, if you want, and using all HTTYD content like HTTYD movies, shows, books, and many more content for the story, please. Hashtag HTTYD is awesome, Hashtag Dragon Riders are awesome!