
So, I lost my computer. I have a flash drive with all my stories on them, so I currently can't update any stories until I get a computer and see all I have. I'm terribly sorry!


Alright, since now I kinda have a computer (It's my sis') I can update some of the stories I haven't worked on in a while. And thank you to all those suggested Idea's for those stories I got writers block on. I (Hopefully) will be able to update them tomorrow. (Whenever I wake up honestly)


Im unable to update right now, but tomorrow Im getting enrolled to online schooling, they supply laptops, so I was gonna use that and Update. for those stories you like, feel free and send me some Ideas, I'll be going through my notifications, so yeah. Sorry for having you all to wait till updates.


Hey sorry that I haven't been posting, lately. I've been using my mothers phone and hopefully when I join online schooling I'll get a computer so I can post! Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about that. I might get the computer next week, I'm not sure, it all depends on what happens. (I am currently visiting family right now)


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hey guys i cant update or post stuff right now. the app wont allow to post. whenever i have a 700 word chapter and click post it always says too short to publish. it also keeps saying i have an incomplete part, which doesnt exist. it hasnt been loading my stories and when it does their blank. so dont read Marvel O.C right now(doubt any of you did but still) thats the most fucked up right now. and if any of you know how to fix this that would be great, cause its pissing me off. So yea, i can still reply to comments and post this its just the create story part thats beong a dick.