
Shutting down the account.
          	Hey, it's Smiler, or if you want to go by my real name, Julia. 
          	Me and Chelsea have sadly stopped talking due to situations and an giant fight occuring months before. This is also why we stopped writing stories and posting and such, I'm very sorry to those who have enjoyed our stories and even most of you adored our friendship and respected our commitment to this. But life can be harsh and things change I guess, so I'm sorry to disappoint those who loved us. 
          	I'm not sure if any of you will see this message due to me shutting down this account down, but well it's just to let most know what's happening.
          	I'm gonna leave this message up for a day actually and transfer all the drafted stories that I came up with (so I'm not stealing Chelsea's) to my other account or I might make a new one to store bennoda stories and other stories I have a guilty pleasure of liking.  Anyway, see you.


Shutting down the account.
          Hey, it's Smiler, or if you want to go by my real name, Julia. 
          Me and Chelsea have sadly stopped talking due to situations and an giant fight occuring months before. This is also why we stopped writing stories and posting and such, I'm very sorry to those who have enjoyed our stories and even most of you adored our friendship and respected our commitment to this. But life can be harsh and things change I guess, so I'm sorry to disappoint those who loved us. 
          I'm not sure if any of you will see this message due to me shutting down this account down, but well it's just to let most know what's happening.
          I'm gonna leave this message up for a day actually and transfer all the drafted stories that I came up with (so I'm not stealing Chelsea's) to my other account or I might make a new one to store bennoda stories and other stories I have a guilty pleasure of liking.  Anyway, see you.


this message may be offensive
Hey guys! Oh god we haven't updated in quite a while and we are so deeply sorry. So much has been going on in our lives and well...its went to the extend of breaking up as friends for a few times, which sucked so fucking badly. BUT WE'RE TOGETHER AGAIN. This update is about a new story we're writing! It's..................*drum roll*.....................A PEWDIECRY FANFICTION!!!!!! Here's the description, we hope you enjoy ;)
          Felix Kjellberg has went through hell and back..and back again. 
          He has been through so much, more than anyone could ever dream of. 
          He never asked to go through so much, being the one who has met the devil more times than he remembers, he can still smile and grasp the feeling of true happiness when he could. He also makes sure that the feeling lasts. 
          Going back to school at the age of 16 gives him the opportunity to meet a shy boy with a poker face mask who goes by the name of Cry. 
          Giving the name because he's actually never cried before, Cry has had a peaceful happy life. The only downside he has ever experienced is growing up without a Father. 
          When Felix meets this shy boy and grows fond of him, he starts to learn more and more about his happy peaceful life and all the things in Felix's past starts to come back and haunt him. 
          Creating a war inside and outside his head...
          What's going to happen with the two?
          Will Felix let the war get the best of him? 
          Or will he fight back with so much power?
          ...And where did Cry go?
          Huuuuh? Well i really hope you love it! This is CharlieSmiler and it was lovely to see you! Peace!


Hey! So I have a entirely different story and I just want to see if you guys want me to write it or not! Here check it out..
          (Hiccup X Reader! Hope you guys enjoy)
          You have the power to turn into a Night Fury and you have a glowing red tattoo of dragon wings on your back.
          That's why everyone feared you when you were born.
          You burned down your house and nearly killed your own parents.
          That's why they disowned you.
          The inner dragon inside you talks to you and people think you're crazy when they see you talking to yourself.
          That's why you don't have any friends.
          But then there's the Chiefs son.. The one who has a Night Fury of his own.
          The one who's curiosity is big enough to get him into deep trouble.
          No one has been so intrigued by you before and also just because Toothless is drawn to you.. So his Hiccup.
          You've basically been alone nearly all your life..
          Why should you let someone in now? 
          Well, just tell me what you guys think!