Ok, just learned there is a movie called, "The Nutcracker: Then Untold Story," that exists. It has a 0 on rotten tomatoes and is really crappy. However, ELLE FANNING IS IN THE MOVIE! For anyone who is confused, I'm a big fan of Elle. For Boxtrolls, to the Maleficent movie. In 2010 she played Claira (in the movie her name is Mary) in the Nutcracker! Sherley Henderson was the Nutcracker. MOANING MYRTLE CALLED ELLE PRETTY AND I AM HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN!
(If you are interested, Danny Gonzalez reacted to it.)
The weirdest part, was I called the Mary, Winnie (Boxtrolls) because I thought they looked and sounded similar. Then I looked up the cast and, BAM! Elle Fanning