(I don't think I've ever written to you before??) but OMG I totally wanna say I READ BLUE IS ALL I SEE BC IM AN OBSESSED GAY WHO LOVES THESE TWO SWEET BOIS REMI AND LANGA AND THEN I FINISHED IT IN LIKE ONE DAY?? AND THEN I READ YOUR KLANCE ONE AND BINGED THAT AND I LOVE UR FANFICS!!! ALSO R U EXCITED FOR THE NEW SK8 OVA MARCH 19 2025???!!! I AM. (Idk if you're still active but if you EVER write any more Sk8 or Klance I WILL READ. GLADLY. maybe matchablossom?? Tehehe) (Also I LOVE UR ARMIN PFP <3 WE MATCHHHH if you also write any AOT fanfics I will 100% read) ANYWAYS have a great day!!

@Miyamora1 thank you so much that's so sweet!! Yes, I love Armin too, hes my favorite character haha. Anyways, have a wonderful day and stay safe!!