
So yeah, I’m on Twitter and ranting about things as well. ‪@MiyuTheIllusion ‬
          	Because I can’t focus very well okay?
          	Need to get back to either translating and editing or getting down the draft for the last part before anything else happens. But oh boy did things ever happen during that visit. Like jikes. We were supposed to be resting and then... oh boy. 


So yeah, I’m on Twitter and ranting about things as well. ‪@MiyuTheIllusion ‬
          Because I can’t focus very well okay?
          Need to get back to either translating and editing or getting down the draft for the last part before anything else happens. But oh boy did things ever happen during that visit. Like jikes. We were supposed to be resting and then... oh boy. 


Miyu: - “You have daddy issues. Not in the normal sense of the way, but you act like you’re my dad or something a lot.”
          Zee laughs: - “So what you’re saying is your dad takes you out drinking a lot?”
          Miyu: - “Well no... but you’re always buying me cute outfits.”
          Zee: - “You don’t have to wear them you know? But you’re too cute for what you used to wear, not that other people didn’t notice, but you didn’t seem to know.”
          Miyu: - “Pot calling the kettle back again?”
          Zee laughs.
          Miyu: - “Okay, then I’m going to change what you wear.”
          Zee smiles and takes another drink: - “Alright then. Looking forward to it. Drink up now, I’ll make sure the bad men stay away.” He winks and I sigh. 
          Miyu: - “I can take care of myself.”
          Zee laughs: - “Not when you’ve had that much to drink you can. And that makes me responsible for making sure you get back safely. Don’t argue.” 
          Miyu: - “Okay... dad.” Zee laughs and I join in. 


How can I say whether the glass is half full or half empty when I don’t even think that it’s there in the first place? 
          If you’re pouring water into the glass, then it’s half full. 
          If you’re pouring it out of the glass, then it’s half empty. 
          Stop asking me if the glass is always half empty. I’m broken and insane. I’m the glass shattered into pieces on the ground and the glass doesn’t exist. 
          Perhaps something will grow from the water, or not. I’m not around to see for myself, I’m not real, but if there is anything here at all I hope something beautiful will bloom for someone else. For someone who feels real. 


Why does Zee always end up drinking so much that he leaves with someone when he’s out drinking with Mikael and then later have apologise? And now they’re both joking about Mikael being gay because he won’t have sex with Zee since he found that part funny. Sigh. It’s just the way he is sometimes, or a lot. Mikael said that we probably shouldn’t tell his wife that he’s gay the first time that got brought up because you know, clearly he is, since he won’t have sex with another man. 


Adam in the story is such an idiot haha. But maybe not? Who knows? ;) 


So been having a low grade fever for two weeks and no, I’m not going to see a doctor. They always just say it’s nothing anyway. These weird symptoms are just not going to get me anywhere since even a broken bone in my foot is just me exaggerating as us crazy girls always do and I should just walk on it and it’ll get better. Good thing I insisted on that X-ray though since I ended up with a cast and being told I can’t use my foot for four months and had to use crutches. But what do I know? I’m just crazy. That the pain was so bad I couldn’t walk on it was all just made up for attention. 


I asked Zee if he learned English just to make bad jokes and he said that’s partially true. Apparently Alex told him off because of his constant cursing (he tells people to “please mind your language” quite a lot so I guess I didn’t pay any particular attention to it) so he asked Peter if there was any language in particular that Peter thought was good for “a play on words”, and Peter said that English was a good choice, but Zee would have to modernise his (Zee has read a lot of books so he already knows plenty of languages, apparently his English used to be pretty old fashioned though hehe). Peters native language sounds kinda like German but I don’t recognise the words at all, and everyone uses translate anyway. 
          Actually speaking of cursing and translate Zee didn’t realise how a phrase he used as a curse got translated into something that he’d never say, he was very embarrassed about that. That’s what you get for learning how to curse in languages you don’t understand haha! 
          Let’s see now, in English what he said would be correctly translated to “Hurry up I don’t have time to stand here all day because I have to pee!” Pretty okay so far right? Buuut translate doesn’t take things like this particular saying into account so Lamian couldn’t stop laughing when it ended up being basically “Hurry up I don’t have time to stand here all day I’m impatient because I have a vagina!” So he ended up sounding very sexist and well he’s very much the opposite. And he’s a demon so he doesn’t even need to pee, jeez 
          Yeah he’s reading my Twitter story now so I’m nervous okay. 


And of course he gets to read the entire thing before I’ve published it all, he’s one of my best friends and also very inappropriate kinda “dad” at times. Keeps saying that since he doesn’t have kids he’s adopted me instead. Thanks, I guess? Weirdo. Time to face it now, I think he’s done. Why did I do this again? 


I needed a break so I played pretend with social media (sorta) and it’s a story now. Not technically a long one, unless you count the backstory, but I didn’t write that down, just what they said to each other on Twitter. 
          Twitter can be a scary place with serious people saying crazy things... so I thought it couldn’t hurt to put up something fun. A crazy story by a crazy person. 
          It’s also being published here though. 


You can read the comments for my comments on it btw hehe. 


The other side of reality is my real home, I don’t feel comfortable over here. Never have, this place doesn’t seem real to me, but people call it reality nonetheless, hence the name “other side of reality”. I’ve been going there for as long as I can remember, I stopped talking about it because my dad made fun of me for it though. He actually mentioned it later too, while I was watching tv with him, some sort of show about kids that remember their past lives. Then he joked about how I was kinda the same as a kid, talking about another world, and that the parents of the kids in the show were stupid for taking it seriously. Because kids make things up all the time and have vivid imagination and stuff.