
I don't know if I should write or just post drawings at this pointAlso hiiiiiiiiiii I'm alive unfortunately:3


@MizDarkwater Also can't tell if I should keep Betty or my current persona rn


I had a... VERY PECULIAR DREAM about my best friend :)))?
          Yes, it was very strange. 
          But a lovely little strange!
          All I'll say is that I'd always comfort a great friend who breaks down crying in the middle of the warehouse 
          ...No, I'm not going to give you anything else--
          (Nothing nasty tho, just A grade, family friendly, no homo ✨cuddling✨)
          (...And then--)


I'm putting The Undertale on hold because of school - just to let you know.


@MizDarkwater Thanks, I needed this.


@w41k3r_19880 Thats alright! I can wait, you just do your best and get good grades(or scores, I don't know what oversea people call it nowadays.) It is pretty important to keep studying so-- You get the point, I'll shut up now. 
            But just remember to keep safe, that's just as important as School. I wish you luck, and sing plenty of Sea Shanties!!✨✨✨


Stay safe from the Corona, wash your hands before and after eating, and after you use the bathroom. So do for 20 seconds or so. Stay a few feet away from tourists and sick people, and cough in your elbow/arm to reduce spreading it to other people. Good luck with self isolation if it happens!!!


this message may be offensive
Why do I get fuck buddie requests from Fanfiction.net? I'm scared, because I don't even know how I got these in the first place and I only read gay shit. Plus, I'm 14??? Just why?????


@MizDarkwater Block the website. My dad clicked into a message that said YOUR COMPUTER IS IN DANGER CLEAN THE VIRUSFGGTYHCJYUVYG*RXYBLAHBLAHBLAH and nearly got into a virus.