
When your home alone and blasting Glee soundtrack...


This quote is amazing, it's from one of my favorite books Everblaze by Shannon Messenger. It's when the characters are talking about manifesting their powers. Biana is a vanisher, Fitz is a telepath (Can read people's minds) and Keefe is an empath (Can tell people's feelings).
          Fitz: Ugh, they've been at it all day. It's been hours of 'Look- I'm invisible. Now I'm not! Now I am!'
          Biana: (reappears) Like you were any less annoying with your 'I can tell you what you're thinking right now! And now! And now!'
          Keefe: (snorts)
          Fitz: Don't get so cocky, Mr. 'I keep laughing and crying at the same time!'
          Keefe: Hey- feeling people's emotions for the first time is intense.


Parents can be not very smart at certain moments; I was at my friends house and her mom was talking to her sibling and she said... "You do what I tell you or your going to your room!" Basically saying if you don't do what I tell you I'm going to send you to your room where all your stuff is so you won't be bored at all! Just parents sometimes...