
Thanks Angel for putting  I'm a Cyborg's Pet  on to your reading list. Reading that again it looks a bit weird. but as new authors always get a boost every time someone discovers our work. Hope you enjoy the book. You're a wonderful person and it's lovely to have you as a reader. 
           Hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener Your work is amazing and yes it did look weird reading it but I kinda figured out what you meant. I haven't read your book in awhile but i still remember every detail of your amazing book.


Hey, AB sista! I got bored. I know, it's stupid. XD hey, guess what?
          Ever watch Naruto? Who knew it so great that last night I stayed up 'till almost midnight watching it. XD I'm into season 2 right now. I hate it that I get home from school at 6....  But anyways, my puppy Crackers cheated death, which I'm glad about. :) And also, tomorrow is the last day of school for Thanksgiving break. Wow, five days. If only it was more. I wish I could go back to Riverside, Don'tcha think? I'll go back whenever my mom's OK with it. I have to go to Crazy Horse for a few more years. :P


I miss you, too. 


@HorseDiva4106 thts great i miss ya