it has been three or so years since I've started writing my first books and as I've been going back through and reading, the comments are funny but somewhat offensive all at the same time. sure, I'm well aware that no one knew my mental state at the time or that I was around 10/11 years old, but it still throws me off.
most of the comments are incredibly humorous, and some I'd like to sit back and explain.
during the time of my first book i was struggling really badly with mental health and it stopped me from doing a lot. most of my books were made during the pandemic time, and there for everything was just really off. I was around 10/11 years old and i had no interest in getting people to read my books, i just wanted to get them out there to make me feel worth something. I was so excited to start my first book, i still remember my plans about how i wanted it to go. when it hit 1000 reads or whatever in like two days i told my parents and everyone else about because i was so proud of it, and no one ended up caring. and it hurt. i don't expect people to still care about my accomplishments, I'm 14 now and no one still seems to care. I just hope this message gets out for people to read and understand some people's books and not to correct grammar unless they ask or make fun of something in the story. that person behind the screen might take it the wrong way, or it might make them lose interest in their hobby. choose your actions wisely, you may not ever end up knowing the outcome.
"Guns can kill, but words do more damage."
thank you.