Beanboozledwhatevertheheck can go jump off a toaster, it heckin MEAN. Like, I've gotten all the bad ones, and then just a buttered popcorn, which is really just a weird flavor anyways, it's butter in a jellybean. Butter in a bean. Butterbean.
Oh, and what do people have against poor tomatoes?! Like, I get it, most people don't like them cuz texture, but stop bashing the poor tomato for just existing, that tomato never got a choice if it wanted to live or not! (Omg wouldn't it be nice if we had a choice whether we got to live or not?)
Does anyone just listen to a song and just create an entire new universe in their head? Like, characters, their relationships, the plot, etc. That's where most of my writing ideas came from as a child, and I'd spend hours creating this really detailed world in my head and then temporarily live there for a while until I made a new universe (hence jumping from one story to another without ever finishing them). Now, I find a song and then base a character and their emotions on the song and create a smol story.
Also, I only ever wrote things cuz I didn't like the emotions I was feeling so now my only other inspiration for writing is the feeling of death. Ya know? Cuz like...it just be that way.
I've had a headache for like three days now and Ima end this now because god damn this thing is long.
Okie have a nice night.