
Once upon a time at work today a man and his wife were really mad because they were charged 20 cents for mashed potatoes and asked for my manager. Even when my manager explained that that's how it's always been and left the guy continued to yell at me because we should make up our minds. I love people. 
          	Anyways I think I'm gonna continue my writing journey soon and fully return to Wattpad lol, so hiya, how's ya'll been doin?


Once upon a time at work today a man and his wife were really mad because they were charged 20 cents for mashed potatoes and asked for my manager. Even when my manager explained that that's how it's always been and left the guy continued to yell at me because we should make up our minds. I love people. 
          Anyways I think I'm gonna continue my writing journey soon and fully return to Wattpad lol, so hiya, how's ya'll been doin?


Flashback to like ten minutes ago when I dyed my hair purple and got it all over my neck and then tried to violently scrub it off only to make the end result look as if I was almost strangled to death.
          Also I found a story in google docs from like sixth grade and it was 37 pages long and I was writing with the words "dismal" and saying things like "bounded across the forest turf"
          Where is my creativity now? Where has it gone?!


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So I just realized I should probably uh...address my inactivity? 
          I don't really remember when I last posted or even really read anything on here except for @Latte_Hotte's recent chapters because I just remembered a few days ago that Wattpad still exists yea...definitely haven't updated any of my own shit for quite a while. School and work has been absolute hell and I don't really get home until like eleven anymore so I have like no time to actually do nice things like write :,) 
          What I be tryin to say now, is that I've literally given up on everything rn but I'm hoping that June when school finally ends that I'll have more time and hopefully more inspiration, too, and I'll start posting some more. :)
          Until then, happy reading and writing.


@Latte_Hottay Thank you, and lmao I know, I even realized that when I went back over what I wrote and I was like "that's not right" but I forgot to change it. Love that Wattpad still knows who I'm talking about though.


I hope school and work don’t give you too much hell <3 Don’t worry about posting now just take your time <3 


          Also what it it with teachers in giving us a study guide for things and then the content being nothing related to what we studied for? I understand you can't just like, give us the test questions to study, but you made me memorize a bunch of things that I didn't need for a single question on the test. It's the equivalent of math teachers giving us equations and then throwing in story questions and equation patterns we haven't been taught how to do yet. 
          Hi welcome to it's 1:30 AM and it's the end of the quarter and I'm checking grades for the 1,00th time.


It really do be like that huh? Math is not fun :( 


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Hi sorry this is smol rant because I cannot handle keeping in the emotions rn
          Feel free to ignore lmao
          I thought it would be a good idea to introduce this person to my friends. He seemed like a cool dude, he was there for me when no one else was, and although he sat next to me and annoyed me and took my stuff all the time, he was nice to me. He didn't tell me how much I annoyed him or pissed him off and he didn't tell me all the ways I could've done better. We talked for hours and hours and hours, and I thought it would be cool for him to get to know my other friends. And then he threw us in for a loop and sent us on our toes and fucked with us purely because "it was fun." Then he dated my friend and dropped everyone else completely. Wouldn't even look in our direction. They broke up. There he was again. They got back together and he was gone. This happened about three or four times. Once was purely to see our reaction, they faked it. And would you have guessed? Now he's back again. He said he'd change, he said he'd try and be a better person. Not to me, I guess, but to my other friend. I mean nothing. But he covers her in bruises and constantly begs for her attention. I finally let go, I stopped consoling him, stopped trying. She couldn't let go. She won't let go. But I can't really blame her, it took me three years to let go of him, to have hope that we could be friends. Three long years. All the hours of talking, the threats of what he would do to himself if I stopped talking to me, all the consoling and laughter over those years gone. I'm okay with that. 
          Alrighty I am done now aha.


Sending virtual love and support <3 


*Him* not me lol


Soo I have this essay to write about the school system and how long story short it sucks at really teaching us things in the long run, doesnt prepare us for life, how homework does not add up to how many hours of sleep we need, plus sports and jobs on top of that, etc. Ya know, the fun stuff! It got approved, and I figured why not come here, to Wattpad, where sleep-deprived writers come and get your opinions on this. 
          So feel free to comment here or dm me on your opinion of the system. :)


@Latte_Hottay Of course your opinion counts! Thank you for your answer! It does suck that you had to drop out of school, and I completely agree with you about the homework. I think that's definitely one of our main problems, that mixing in with how long school is plus extracurricular activities. Again, thank you so much for your opinion!


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@Mllk_N_Honey hi a sleep deprived writer here :) (I just said maked instead of made if that is any indication)
            First of all I'm from the Netherlands so I probably have a different perspective lol
            But yeah I had to drop out a few years ago because of my autism, and this was definitely not my school's fault because they did everything they could to try to help me to graduate. However, it did make me rethink the system and how it's more based on society as a whole and not the needs of individuals.
            Of course, our school system is different from the US, and after what is 6th grade in America, you get a level (based on both intelligence and behavior/motivation but mainly intelligence) that you'll continue to work in until you graduate high school. In 9th grade you choose the subjects you'll follow for the last 2 to 3 years.
            Though I think this works fairly well, there are obviously a lot of other issues. We make days from 8:30 to 3:30 and have about 2 to 3 hours homework and even more in weekends.
            My opinion is that you should be able to finish your work in class if you work hard, and take any excess work home.
            Our math teacher gave us about 2-2.5 hours of work per lesson of 70 minutes, and I was pretty good at math. I get why practice is important, but so is mental health.
            So yeah homework is the main thing I think is fucked up, and teachers absolutely should not assign more homework when you have any free days. "You should relax during this break but make chapter 1 2 and 3 though, okay see you next week. Oh and I won't be grading tests or essays because I need my free time."
            Like we don't have to rest.
            Anyway I don't know if my opinion really counts because I don't go to school but I just wanted to share my experiences and thoughts♡


          Beanboozledwhatevertheheck can go jump off a toaster, it heckin MEAN. Like, I've gotten all the bad ones, and then just a buttered popcorn, which is really just a weird flavor anyways, it's butter in a jellybean. Butter in a bean. Butterbean.
          Oh, and what do people have against poor tomatoes?! Like, I get it, most people don't like them cuz texture, but stop bashing the poor tomato for just existing, that tomato never got a choice if it wanted to live or not! (Omg wouldn't it be nice if we had a choice whether we got to live or not?)
          Does anyone just listen to a song and just create an entire new universe in their head? Like, characters, their relationships, the plot, etc. That's where most of my writing ideas came from as a child, and I'd spend hours creating this really detailed world in my head and then temporarily live there for a while until I made a new universe (hence jumping from one story to another without ever finishing them). Now, I find a song and then base a character and their emotions on the song and create a smol story. 
          Also, I only ever wrote things cuz I didn't like the emotions I was feeling so now my only other inspiration for writing is the feeling of death. Ya know? Cuz just be that way.
          I've had a headache for like three days now and Ima end this now because god damn this thing is long.
          Okie have a nice night.


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Welp, I just poured my heart and soul into an essay for my English class, the prompt being asked the question what freedom means to me, and then learned it was fifteen points. Like, a web quest is worth more points than that, and I just handed you my whole belief on the world and what's happening in America. 
          But uh, besides that, please stay safe. ♡ If for some reason things really do become legit hell in America and the Trumpets really do f*ck up out shit even more, I'm saving up to take us all away from here. (If, of course, my job starts to pay me soon.)


Y'all ever just...procrastinate on homework that's already due in a class you have declining grade in by doing other homework for a class you already have a good grade in and that isn't due until the end of the week? I feel like this is an issue. 


I do that all the time. Literally two days ago I didn’t want to do my math homework and so I texted my friends about bagels. We had a bagel war through text. Many great bagels were lost that day :’(   XD