
Hello world! I've just finished 'Wicked game' so I hope the readers have enjoyed it and I am so thankful for you guys! I'm introducing 'In Your dreams' which is a little out there and different to the others but I hope you all like it. Thanks again for the votes and the reads as well as the comments. Have a nice holiday!


Hello world! I've just finished 'Wicked game' so I hope the readers have enjoyed it and I am so thankful for you guys! I'm introducing 'In Your dreams' which is a little out there and different to the others but I hope you all like it. Thanks again for the votes and the reads as well as the comments. Have a nice holiday!


Hey hey, Sorry to say but Wicked Game is coming to the end of it's last chapters, i've really enjoyed writing it but I feel it's nearly at the end of its mists. I'd like to thank my readers for being so patient,  I've not really given you much of a choice but thanks for reading until the end. Whilst i'm on the subject of books that have finished, the Harry Styles Collection is in the process of being put into one book altogether to make it easier for you guys so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing them. I'll still be continuing with Stranger as it's only just setting off and to be honest I keep on forgetting to carry on writing Pompeii Immortals so if you're a fan don't be afraid to vote and remind me that it's wanted. Thank you for all the votes and the reads, I love you all and feel so grateful hence all the thanks. Keep on reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share ! x


Hello everyone, 
          I've been thinking about the Harry Styles collection and I was thinking about making all of the books into one so I could continue writing them. In order for the story line to flow and for you as readers to keep up, I feel as if it would be easier if I did this. Thoughts on this would be much appreciated and if some of you don't want it to happen then all comments would be helpful. 
          Thank you for all the votes and the read and I hope you'll continue to vote, comment and share these stories. X


Hey guys and girlies! Just a quick update to inform all of my fabulous readers that whilst also writting and carrying on with my books, I am now also in the process of editing the finished books! Love you all lots, thankyou for all the votes and keep on reading!!  X