@SweetTart05 1) I train problem horses
2) I have a fear of heights and small places
3) my favorite food is chicken roll up
4) I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters
5) my littles sister dies when she was a month old
6) My real name is Shyann
7) I'm in foster care
8) I dye my hair crazy colors ( its Burgundy at the moment )
9) My real parents died in a plane crash
10) I only have 7 friends.
@dork375 10 facts about me are already there XD
1) He has brown hair.
2) his eyes are green.
3) His name is Jeffrey
4) He is a fan of Michigan state.
5) He plays football.
6) His best friends names are Jonathan and Jacob and me of course :T
7) he has a YouTube channel ( I don't know what its called so no u can't have the name XD)
8) His favorite color is purple ( so is mime hehe )
9) me and him are really close friends.
10) He really likes to talk...