
@natnat13 Of course they look really interesting! Can't wait! 


Hey I was wondering if you could possibly read my story? It's called "Tantalizing Desires Past Midnight" 
          In know these can get pretty annoying but hey that's what we authors have to deal with right? Lol 
          Well hope you read it! Maybe comment, vote, and maybe maybe fan? Please and thank you! 
          Nightraven896 xoxo XD


Haha, couldn't help but notice your about me, and the worst thing that has happened to me this month...hmm. Would be: Me and my girly guy friend were searching online and found this survey. So, we took it. It was something about What do you smell like to the world? And Edward Cullen or something like that. Curious, and very bored, we clicked on it, and the end result to that shitbag quiz, was that I smell like an over weight homo on her period. Was that supposed to be funny???!!!! Not, just that, but my results somehow didn't just get sent to my email, but to all the emails in my contacts the next day at school I was repeatedly called the overweight homo permanently on her period. That was 2 weeks ago......and I still am called that, lolz. It really isn't funny, but you cant help but laugh at that. ^_^ Anywho, wow I just rambled. Sorry, hehe, I was very very bored.


          	It would be amazingly awesome of you to check out a few of my stories:
          Last To Know:
          	Summary: Aaron Stewart has made a choice that will affect his life forever. He was in the army, met the perfect girl, fell in love (Or so he thought). And now, from a dark and dingy jail cell, he must write to James, the man who took his love, and explain why his bad choice will affect not only James, but his love, Jill, her brother, and anyone who encounters them.
          Where is Jared?:
          	Summary: Jessie met the love of her life, knowing she would never be the same without him. She comes to resent her once best friend, Tim, and tries her best to hurt him. After only a few months, Jared is killed in a deadly car crash. Jessie becomes party obsessed, drinking and having fun to ease her problems. Tim realizes her must do something to stop her before she does something she’ll regret. When Jessie realizes that the accident was really murder, she must work with Tim to find the killer. Will she find true love? Or will she continue to hate Tim and subdue herself into a life of regrets?
          	Thanks for your help, COMMENT! VOTE! RATE! BE A FAN!! 