
Season One of Shellshock Color Pulse is officially published! There are 15 parts to this TMNT 2014 personal take. It took a bit of time and effort, but after 10 mental breakdowns and a coffee shower, it is now complete. Check it out when you get the chance! HEAVILY inspired by @doingclownstuff and their original take on the story. Go show them some love!


Season One of Shellshock Color Pulse is officially published! There are 15 parts to this TMNT 2014 personal take. It took a bit of time and effort, but after 10 mental breakdowns and a coffee shower, it is now complete. Check it out when you get the chance! HEAVILY inspired by @doingclownstuff and their original take on the story. Go show them some love!


After a long night of writing up a storm for my DBD Concept Book, I've been contemplating attempting to put more effort into them. I need to update the "Dark Magic Chapter" a bit to make them fit with Dead by Daylight's new progression system and such, I also want to work on more licensed ideas. The OMORI concept only hit me due to recently playing and finishing the game. Just a little rant, I'll be getting back to work soon!